Natalie Portman video for PETA compares animal treatment to Holocaust


Actress Natalie Portman paid tribute to Nobel laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer and his concern for animal welfare in a film released by PETA on Monday, in which she quoted a character from a Singer novel controversially comparing eating meat to Nazi-era atrocities.

In the video for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Portman quoted that narrator from Singer's "Shosha" saying, "We do to God's creatures what did the Nazis do to us."

Portman made headlines when he refused to accept the Genesis Prize Foundation award, nicknamed the "Jewish Nobel," in Israel over political opposition to Benjamin Netanyahu's Prime Minister policies.

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In the video, made for the 40th anniversary of Singer winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, Portman compared the Jewish author's story to her own.

"Isaac Singer grew up in the same part of Poland as my family," said Portman in the video. "And like them, he fled the horrors of the Holocaust. But the cruelties he witnessed made Singer one of the most powerful writers of the 20th century. "

Isaac Bashevis Singer (photo credit: MDC Archives / Wikipedia)

Singer, who died in 1991, wrote many novels, several of which were made into movies, including "Enemies, a Love Story" and "Yentl the Yeshiva Boy," which became the movie "Yentl" starring Barbra Streisand.

Portland said the heroes in Singer's novels were ahead of their time, championing women's issues, gay rights, and especially animal rights. She said, "I did not want to become a vegetarian for my health," she quoted from Singer.

"I did it for the health of the chickens."

The film clip ends with a final quote from Singer: "As long as there is no harm, no liberty, no harmony. Slaughter and justice can not dwell together. "

In 2009, a German court banned from Nazi slaughter of Jews and Nazi slaughter of Jews. abuse in a campaign it was called Holocaust on your Plate.

The banned German PETA campaign included eight large panels showing black-and-white images of emaciated concentration inmates next to full color photos of chickens, turkeys and other animals fattened for the slaughter. One poster bore the slogan, in German, "Final Humiliation" and another read "For animals, all people are Nazis." A photo of children in a concentration camp stands next to one of piglets in a stall. Under the theme "Child Butcher."

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