Netanyahu accuses Erdogan of massacring Syrians and Kurds


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday reprimanded Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, accusing him of mbadacring Syrians and Kurds after Erdogan strongly criticized Israel.

Erdogan declared the new law on nationality,
who states that only Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel, legitimized oppression
and showed that Israel is a fascist and racist country.

Netanyahu replied: "Erdogan is mbadacring Syrians and Kurds and imprisoning thousands of his own citizens, the criticism of this great democrat against the nationality law is the greatest compliment."

  Erdogan; Netanyahu (Photo: Reuters, MCT)

Erdogan; Speaking to members of his ruling AK party, Erdogan said the law showed that Israel was "the most Zionist, most fascist and racist country in the world". called on the international community to mobilize against Israel.

"The law of the Jewish nation-state adopted by the Israeli parliament shows the true intentions of this country, which legitimizes all illegal actions and oppression," said Erdogan.

"There is no difference between the obsession of the Aryan race of Hitler and the mentality of Israel: the spirit of Hitler has redone among the administrators in Israel, "he said.

Erdogan declared that Israel had revealed itself to be a "terrorist state" by attacking Palestinians with tanks and artillery, adding that the movement "would drown the region and the world in blood and suffering ".

The law, backed by the right-wing government of Israel, pbaded to the Knesset on Wednesday after months of political argumentation.

"This is a decisive moment in the annals of Zionism and the history of the state of Israel," Netanyahu told the Knesset.

Turkey and Israel, former allies, expelled their best diplomats in May during a clash over clashes in which dozens of Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces on the Gaza border. However, both parties continue to trade with each other.

The two countries have long disagreed over Israel's policy towards the Palestinians and the status of Jerusalem. Erdogan has called for a summit of Muslim leaders twice in the last six months after US President Donald Trump decided to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

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