Netanyahu and Rivlin meet with Druze leaders to quell worries over the nation-state bill


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with leaders of local Druze councils to appease the minority community after expressing concern for the newly adopted Israeli state bill that spearheads Israel. As the Jewish State

Netanyahu Minister Yariv Levin and Minister of Communications Ayoub Kara told the Druze leaders: "You describe sincere feelings and we must find a solution. I will continue to hold consultations. We will establish a team led by Chief of Staff Yoav Horowitz and we will immediately make recommendations for actions that will strengthen the important links between us. "

Communication Minister Kara later congratulated Netanyahu in a tweet:" I welcome the Prime Minister's decision with the Druze council leaders, establish a special team to discuss and solve the acute problems of the sect – in the workforce, education, execution on the illegal construction of homes, the rights of released soldiers and more. "

The team should present its findings in a few days and promise a quick and effective implementation," added Kara.

On Sunday, Netanyahu spoke to members of his Likud party in power and told them not to apologize. "The State of Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, with full equality of rights for all its citizens, the meaning of the Jewish and democratic worlds." We have never established the national rights of the Jewish people in this land, until we have adopted the national law. "

Two clauses of the nation-state law, which will have almost constitutional power, have attracted special attention both in Israel and abroad: one who retrogrades Arabic from an official language of the state to a "special status" ; and another that promotes the promotion of "Jewish settlements".

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin met with leaders of the Druze community after they spoke to Netanyahu on Sunday, rebaduring them of their importance to the Jewish state.

 AP Photo / Ariel Schalit

"Our partnership is at the base and at the base of this country, I have no doubt that legally you are equal and we must feel equal," their said Rivlin.

Rafik Halabi, mayor of Daliyat al-Karmel's Druze town, responded to Rivlin's speech by saying, "We consider this a discriminatory law that does not take into account our citizenship or our relevance." (Netanyahu) in a clear and unambiguous way that we want complete civil equality for all residents. "

" We can not live in a state where there are feelings of exclusion among those parts of the population who are loyal and good. "(Druze and Arabs)" What they are not citizens? Not equal? ​​The basic laws should be relevant to everyone, not just the dominant party, "adds Halabi.

Following the approval of Israel's national bill, Tarif, the spiritual leader of the Israeli Druze community, states that "all members of the Druze community – the sheikhs, the soldiers and the Officers – ask us why this happened to us, to such a small community that accompanied the Jewish people and the state of Israel unconditionally 70 years ago, "in an interview with the US government. Ynet news agency. [19659002"WeareproudoftheStateofIsrael"addedTarif"andwomen"

"Today, the percentage of IDF recruits among the Druze community stands at 84%, which is more than the overall percentage in Israel.The percentage of conscripts (Druze) in combat is greater than 60 [percent] whereas it is 40% (40%) among Jews. "(19659002)" It is possible to to make a separate law for the Druze community.It is possible to insert clauses in the existing law with an equality clause for the Druze community, "he said.

Netanyahu and Rivlin's Sunday meeting between the Druze community is the latest in a series of moves by Israeli leaders. a positive atmosphere after the controversial bill provoked a mbadive debate in Israel.

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