Netanyahu condemns hate crime at Ramat Hasharon synagogue


Prime Minister Netanyahu condemned the unknown badailants had who left a pig’s head at the entrance to a synagogue in a Ramat Hasharon synagogue on Friday.

“I strongly condemn the criminal act that took place last Friday at the entrance to the Sukkat Shaul synagogue in Ramat Hasharon. The security forces will find those responsible and bring them to justice,” said Netanyahu on Saturday night before heading to Paris.

“We will not tolerate such despicable behavior towards synagogues and religious institutions in the State of Israel.”

Worshippers in Ramat Hasharon were shocked upon finding the bloody head on Friday and summoned police, who opened an investigation.

Central Israel’s affluent Ramat Hasharon city has recently been a battleground between the local religious community and secular activists. Contending that the religious are attempting to forcibly turn the city religious, the activists almost convinced the city to close the Hesder yeshiva, which has been

“The placing of the pig at the entrance to the synagogue in Ramat Hasharon proves that the ‘Religionization’ campaign has turned into an incitement campaign,” said Jewish Home MK Moti Yogev.

“My father, who immigrated from Berlin on the eve of the Holocaust, certainly would not have believed that he would see such an anti-Semitic image here in the State of Israel,

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