Netanyahu Says Unaware of Corruption Linked to Submarine Deal – Naharnet


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that he is a submarines, after police recommended charging his lawyer in the investigation.

"As you know, there are no claims to my involvement," Netanyahu said late Saturday in his first comments on the issue of police in their findings in the long-running investigation last week.

"Which is not a minute thing since we do not hesitate to blame me with the most absurd claims."

David Shimron, Netanyahu said: "You know I did not know."

"Secondly, I suggest to wait until the end of the procedures and make a judgment," he said before boarding a plane for Paris, where he will join world leaders in marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I.

Police said Thursday that it was evidence to charge Shimron and others with bribery in connection with negotiations for German industrial giant ThyssenKrupp.

The investigation into the deals is reportedly worth $ 2 billion in Netanyahu's long tenure in office under the spotlight.

Besides Shimron, Netanyahu's police chief David Sharan is also suspected of bribery, Eliezer Marom.

Two other navy ex-generals were named as suspected of similar offenses, as was a former minister, Eliezer Zandberg.

Netanyahu was questioned as a witness and not a suspect in the case.

The police will find out who will decide whether the suspects should be charged.

Israeli opposition politicians have questioned how Netanyahu could be unaware of the alleged corruption and called for a commission of inquiry.

In February, police recommended Netanyahu be indicted in two other graft probes, though the attorney general has yet to decide whether to do so.

Allegations Against Netanyahu: A Novel Affair with the Publisher of Israel Yediot Aharonot to ensure positive coverage in the future of a law that would have limited the circulation of a rival.

Another case involves suspicions that the prime minister and his personal favors.

Netanyahu denies all the allegations, calling them by political enemies to force him from office.

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