Netanyahu Takes On Social Media: Children At Risk Of Fire Bombs Launched By Gaza


(July 25, 2018 / JNS) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu published on Tuesday an English-language video on social media, addressed to "each parent, to each mother and father ", in which he describes how the lives of Israeli children in the south are threatened by incendiary devices launched by terrorists in Gaza.

He explains how the other day a balloon of incendiary bombs landed in the courtyard of an Israeli kindergarten

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"They turned a child's toy into a weapon of terror," says Netanyahu, "and these beautiful children were nearly burned alive, fortunately their precious lives were spared."

Netanyahu then asks, "What does he say about the terrorists who run Gaza that they are trying to burn Israeli pre-school children?"

The prime minister then calls parents around the world to hug their children " especially when they drop them off at school, and tell them that you love them, tell them that you will always protect them, then call another mother or father and tell them that story. Israel defends itself against every day. "

Hamas has carried out more than 1,000 incendiary bombs and balloons against Israel in recent months, burning thousands of dunams of Israeli fields, forests and nature reserves. 19659005] The attacks began in force on March 30 with the start of the mbad march "Return march" along the border between Israel and Gaza.

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