Netta interprets "Toy & # 39; on the 'Today Show': Watch


Netta's life is currently a pleasant whirlwind. From victory to the coveted Eurovision Song Contest in May to the world tour of his first single "Toy", the rising star is making waves.

Netta makes a trip to New York to make her American television debut this morning (July 24) on NBC's TODAY Show with a performance of "Toy," her first single. The song is inspired by the #MeToo movement, and as the star said, "it gives power to anyone who has been hit by their boss, or anyone who has been bullied. "

"This has been a surreal experience: every day I wake up in a different country," said the 25 – year – old Israeli Today the host of Carson Daly

. good company, like others to win the Eurovision Song Contest, a contest of 43 countries, include Celine Dion and ABBA.

Check out Netta's performance below.

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