New Bill Will End Israeli Imports of Live Animals for Meat, in Light of Suffering | Jns


In the light of revelations about the poor conditions of transporting animals to Israel for food, government ministers on Sunday pbaded a bill that would phase out the import of animals intended for use in the United States. 39, slaughter in Israel.

live sheep and calves imported from Australia and Europe of at least 25% per annum, with the aim of completely eliminating the practice within a period of three years. Instead, slaughter would take place in the countries of origin of the animals and the meat would be imported.

The issue of importing live animals at the beginning of trips from Australia were featured on the "60 Minutes" of Australia TV, as part of 39, a presentation on the conditions of sheep being shipped to the Middle East.

The bill is supported by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He and his wife, Sara, have spoken out against further imports.

The Minister of Public Security Gilad Erdan has also been campaigning against imports since he was Minister of Environmental Protection and declared that Israel had a moral obligation to stop shipments. there is "a reasonable alternative that causes less animal cruelty and suffering".

Earlier this month, 228 lawyers signed a petition calling for a stop to live deliveries. In May, 60 senior rabbis signed a letter stating that "it was neither the Torah's way nor human morality to allow such cruelty to animals."

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