New poll shows majority of Israelis support new nationality law


(July 31, 2018 / JNS) A new survey of the Walla information website shows that most Israelis support the law on nationality, with 58% of the population being born. agreement with the current language and 34% against it.
While 85% of those who claim to be right-wing voters support the law, 19% of left-wing voters and 49% of centrist voters do so

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While in the political parties Bayit Yehudi, Likud, Shas, Judaism United Torah, Kulanu and Yesh Atid, the law is mainly supported, 71% of the voters of the Zionist Union, 89% of Meretz voters and 100% Common List Voters (Arab Parties) Oppose the Law

The poll also showed that more Israeli voters would choose the Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's Likud party than the Israeli voters. before the controversy over the new law

. The Likud, which currently has 30 seats, would be increased to 33 seats. Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid party would rise from the most seats, rising from 11 seats to 19. Yet the most dramatic change would occur for the Zionist Union Party. from 24 to 12 seats.

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