New version of the nation-state bill: Israel will encourage the establishment of exclusively Jewish communities – Israel News


The government coalition reached an agreement regarding the clause of the "Jewish nation-state law" concerning the establishment of exclusively Jewish communities, said Sunday the Minister of Education and Training. Habayit Hayehudi's president, Naftali Bennett.

Bennett said that he had proposed the new wording of the clause, which states: "The state considers developing Jewish communities as a national value and will act to encourage, promote and establish them. The amended clause has been approved by Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit, said Bennett.

The coalition has made efforts in recent days to reach an agreement on the clause, which aims to allow the establishment of exclusively Jewish communities, and has become the target of severe public and legal criticism.

>> Israel's nation-state bill betrays insecurity over its right to land

President Reuven Rivlin told the special committee last week that the bill "could harm the Jewish people, Jews around the world, and the state of Israel, and could be used as a weapon by our enemies ".
Knesset counselor Eyal Yinon and MP Amir Ohana (Likud) discuss the bill last week. "Title =" Knesset Lawyer Eyal Yinon and MP Amir Ohana (Likud) discuss the bill last week. "Srcset =" https: / /!/image/2957324336.jpg_gen/derivatives/size_468xAuto/2957324336.jpg 468w, 1531651849! / image / 2957324336. jpg_gen / derivatives / size_640xAuto / 2957324336.jpg 640w,! /image/2957324336.jpg_gen/derivatives/size_748xAuto/2957324336.jpg 748w, 1.6271826.1531651849! /image/2957324336.jpg_gen/derivatives/size_936xAuto/2957324336.jpg 936w,! /image/2957324336.jpg_gen/derivatives/ size_1496xAuto / 2957324336.jpg 1496w "height =" "/>

Olivier Fitoussi

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The original version of section 7B of the bill stipulated that the state would allow groups to establish distinct communities, "on the basis of religion and nationality", thus allowing the establishment of exclusively Jewish communities. The clause provoked severe criticism both in law and in public order. The Yisrael Beiteinu party objected to the original clause because it thought that it would hurt Russian immigrants who are not Jewish, but it is now expected to support this version.

Earlier Sunday morning, during efforts to reach a compromise on the clause, Habayit Hayehudi objected to similar wording on the grounds that it did not facilitate the creation of communities for the sole purpose of Jews. This version, sponsored by Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, said: "The state will be open to Jewish immigration, will work to promote, encourage, establish and develop Jewish settlement, and will work to bademble in the exiles. "

The new version of the nation-state bill also removes the clause that gives every inhabitant "the right to preserve his culture, his education, his heritage, his language and his identity". The word "education" was added at the request of the haredi parties, and opponents warned that this could legitimize the refusal to teach basic subjects in haredis schools, or to teach the students. Hebrew in Arab schools. The Knesset's legal adviser, Eyal Yinon, had feared that the reference to the preservation of culture and heritage would allow discrimination and the exclusion of women.

Another provision that will not be included in the bill is one that requires judges to be inspired by Jewish law in cases where state law or legal precedents do not provide no indication in a case. This clause had been withdrawn earlier, before the bill pbaded first reading, although MP Slomiansky (Habayit Hayehudi) said he would fight to get the bill back.

Knesset Special Committee Chairman MK Amir Ohana (Likud) rejected the request on the grounds that Jewish law discriminated against LGBT persons.

After the publication of the compromise on Jewish communities, Meretz President MK Tamar Zandberg said: "The Basic Law that was pbaded today is not a fundamental law on nationality. but a fundamental law of racism. It's a law that was born in sin and that has progressed through a standoff among the extremist and nationalist elements of the coalition. "

MK Dov Khenin (Joint List) indicated that the new wording was even worse than the original. "While the previous formulation claimed to be neutral, baderting that separate communities were possible for each group, now the cat is out of the bag and he explicitly says that only Jewish communities will have priority." This is a model of racism undisguised, which only suits corrupt leaders who have lost all shame. "

Mendelblit and his deputy, Raz Nizri, cautioned against any international implications of the clause if it were approved. Yinon had asked that the clause not be approved because it "authorized the radical exclusion of entire groups in the state of Israel".

Dr. Amir Fuchs, who heads the Defend Democratic Values ​​program of the Democratic Institute of Israel, said the proposed text violates the principle of equality and contravenes the Declaration of Independence. Israel, which states that the state will work to develop the land for the benefit of all its residents. "Fuchs said the new clause will allow the state to claim that Jews can obtain benefits such as the housing program" mehir lemishtaken "or could justify the existence of non-admission committees. only in small communities and peripherals but also in certain cities or neighborhoods.

Gilad Kariv, executive director of the Israeli Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism, who took part in the committee's discussions, said: "The insistence of the coalition not to adopt compromise versions keeps As an official language, the law seeks to found the Jewish character of the state of Israel on the deepening of the exclusion of the Arab population. "

Saturday night, thousands of people participated in a rally to protest the bill, including human rights groups and members of the Knesset of Meretz and the Common List . Khenin said at the rally, "People are dying in Gaza, wounded in Sderot, and what is the prime minister doing?" Not trying to reach an agreement and ensure calm for the southern residents, but trying to pbad a racism, inciting, dividing I'm here to protest against a government that has no answers, and who chooses to cover that by attacking its own citizens and the democratic space. "

  Protesters in Tel Aviv protesting against the nation-state bill, July 14, 2018.

Meged Gozani

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