News from Brexit: Anna Soubry launches into Project Fear 3.0 RANT announces the risks of non-deal | UK | New


Conservative rebel Anna Soubry insisted on the "horrible" consequences of a "no agreement" Brexit on the UK.

Ms. Soubry, who campaigned for Remain during the referendum, has long criticized the uncompromising Brexiters.

Speaking of Sky News, Ms. Soubry listed the reasons why she thinks that the break with the EU in March 2019 would have a catastrophic impact on the British economy.

] Ms. Soubry said, "God, the consequences would be horrible."

"People tell me – oh, you're a fanatical Remainer – No, I'm not, I'm fond of the jobs and prosperity of my riding and my country." [19659006TheConservativeMPcontinued"I'mlisteningtobusiness"Companiestellusthatnotransactionwouldbeadisasterforthemespeciallyformanufacturers-20%ofoureconomy-whoneedtradewithoutfrictionforsupplychains

"What about EU citizens? It is not only trade, but also security and, of course, the border issue in the Republic and Northern Ireland. "

Ms. Soubry was also touched by" ruthless "Brexiters who allegedly tried to convince Theresa May She added:" That's why these people are pushing so hard for nothing, we must not delude ourselves, they are ruthless, it's the job of their lives. "

Ms. Soubry was one of 12 Conservative MPs who challenged Ms. May by supporting an amendment to her Brexit Trade Agreement which would have forced the United Kingdom to remain in the customs union in case of non-agreement.

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister rebuffed the threat of a rebellion winning a short victory against the United States. Proposed amendment after a vote of 307 to 301.

Ms. May faced increasing pressure from conservative Brexit Brexit, who many denounced as maintaining a close connection with Brussels despite the demands of the government. a complete break in the polls

And the The bloc has dealt another blow to the Prime Minister after European Commission leaders warn member states Martin Selmayr, disciple of Jean-Claude Juncker, leads the Commission's preparations for a non-agreement with 60 opinions individuals, businesses and stakeholders in the EU27 warning against risks to aviation. The 16-person working group works separately with Michel Barnier's Article 50 team, the only Brexit negotiator.

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