Neymar turns into KFC advertising


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Much has been done The superstar from Brazil spent a lot of time on the ground struggling in agony – some are justified and others not at all – and his antics look a lot like an advertisement from KFC South Africa which aired at at the beginning of this week, the year's tournament. "data-reactid =" 16 ">
Much has been said about the Neymar flop during this World Cup. The Brazilian superstar spent a lot of time on the ground writhing in agony – some are justified and others not at all. And his antics look a lot like a KFC South Africa ad that was released at the start of this year's tournament.

Neymar spent 14 minutes on the field

<p clbad = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Perhaps the most impressive state of this World Cup was provided by the Swiss TV channel RTS Sport. According to RTS math Neymar spent 14 minutes of playing time Neymar also drew the most faults in the tournament, including a record 10 against Switzerland. "Data-reactid =" 20 "> The Swiss television station RTS Sport may have provided the most impressive status of this tournament. World Cup. According to RTS Math Neymar spent 14 minutes of ground time. Neymar also drew the most faults in the tournament, including a record 10 against Switzerland.

Neymar's actions drew a lot of anger, especially from Mexican coach Juan Carlos Osorio. After Mexico's 2-0 defeat against Brazil in the round of 16 – a match in which Neymar had a goal and a helping hand – Osorio had some strong words:

"It's an embarrbadment for football that both time was wasted. The refereeing was very biased and the players had enough.

"This is not a good example for football and for the football world, for all the kids playing. This should be a sport of skill, determination, a game of men, not so much of a clown.

Neymar's actions also gave rise to the "Neymar rolling" trend on Twitter.

Neymar and Brazil clash with Belgium on Friday

<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0 em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" Ignoring the antics of Neymar, Brazil plays some of his best football matches, followed by the Red Devils of Belgium The teams meet on Friday at 2:00 pm (EST) to face two of Brazil's most talented offensive teams. "data-reactid =" 32 "> Ignoring the antics of Neymar, Brazil plays its best football The next for Brazil are the Red Devils of Belgium The teams meet Friday at 14:00 ET in this which is a match of two of the most talented sides attacking in the world.

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