No chance to roll back 18th Amendment: Arif Alvi


President also negates the possibility of foreign exchange in Israel

President Arif Alvi. PHOTO: EXPRESS

President Arif Alvi. PHOTO: EXPRESS

President Arif Alvi on Thursday denied any possibility to the 18th Constitutional Amendment, Radio Pakistan reported.

The president's comments were revealed in an interview to a private news channel.

Furthermore, the president denied any possibility of change in foreign policy towards Israel.

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He learned that the country has benefited from the prime minister's visit to Saudi Arabia. "The Saudi package entails oil supply on deferred payments and ease in balance of payment. "Reko Diq is another vital outcome of the first visit," he added.

Responding to a question about the National Action Plan, the president of Karachi.

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Kashmiris in the Indian-Occupied Kashmir (IoK).

To a question, President Alvi maintained that the unity among people is key to achieving peace in the region. He added that Pakistan enjoys friendly ties with Iran and Turkey.

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