North Korea calls the United States to their last speech



* North Korea declares that the attitude and position shown by the United States during the last negotiations are "regrettable"

* The United States is no more than Unilateral and Firm Demonstrations of Denuclearization] * The issues raised by the United States are similar to those that previous administrations insisted on and are "cancerous" issues that magnify distrust and the risk of war

** * The previous article will be updated ***

TOKYO-US Secretary of State

Mike Pompeo

Ended a second day of nuclear talks with North Korean officials saying progress had been made and working groups would continue discussions but gave little detail on the key issues between the two sides.

Kim Jong Un,

who met Pompeo during the two previous visits to Pyongyang, did not meet the US Secretary of State on this occasion.

"These are complicated questions but we have made progress on almost all the central issues," said Pompeo. Pyongyang before taking the plane to Tokyo on Saturday. "Some places, a lot of progress;"

The Secretary of State refused to comment on a possible timetable for the denuclearization of North Korea or to say when North Korea could provide a declaration of its nuclear badets Both are seen as crucial steps in the process, and in return, the United States dangled the prospect of economic investment once the sanctions were lifted.

"I will not go into the details of our conversations but we spent a lot of time talking about each of these two things and I think we have progressed in every element of our discussions, "said Mr. Pompeo.

Mr. Pompeo also resigned on a schedule for the repatriation of American soldiers killed during the Korean War, saying that the Defense Ministry would meet the North Koreans for a discussion of the process on July 12. [19659004] "The repatriation of remains will take place at the border and this process will begin to develop in the days that follow," he said.

Donald Trump

More than two weeks ago, at a rally in Minnesota, it was reported that the repatriation had already taken place. Department of Defense officials have not provided an explanation for the delay.

General Kim Yong Chol,

one of Mr. Kim's senior lieutenants and Minister of Foreign Affairs

Ri Yong Ho

He shook Mr. Pompeo 's hand at the airport as he was leaving in the middle of a brief conversation.

Weekend talks are the highest commitment between the United States and North Korea since Trump and Kim met on June 12. Singapore has signed an agreement to work for the "complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula" without specifying details.

Since then, satellite images published in reports last week show that North Korea is rapidly developing a solid weapons manufacturing plant. fuel missiles and modernized its main nuclear research facilities. On Friday, a senior South Korean official said Pyongyang was also working on a submarine capable of launching a nuclear-armed ballistic missile.

Pompeo stated that the reports had been raised during the meetings and that both parties had discussed how to implement the agreement reached at the Singapore Summit.

"Nobody has moved away from this; they are still committed, President Kim is still engaged, "he said. Officials traveling with Mr. Pompeo told reporters that he spoke to Mr. Trump on a secure line earlier Saturday after a first day of talks with the National Security Advisor.

John Bolton

and chef de cabinet

John Kelly

on the line. No report of the call.

. Pompeo was accompanied to Pyongyang by a delegation from the State Department, the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency


Heather Nauert

Mr. Pompeo was "very firm" in his search for three main goals: the complete denuclearization of North Korea, the security guarantees and the repatriation of American soldiers killed in the 1950-53 Korean War. Nauert said the US position had not abated, but did not explain why US officials had stopped using the phrase "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization" To describe the purpose of the talks.

Write to Jessica Donati at [email protected]

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