North Korea reportedly asked Israel for $ 1 billion to stop the sale of missiles to Iran – Israel News


North Korea allegedly proposed to Israel in 1999 to give up its agreements to sell missiles to Iran and other enemy countries that would pose a threat to the Jewish state if Israel paid a billion dollars to Pyongyang.

According to a Wall Street Journal article released Sunday, Israel has not accepted the offer. Instead, Jerusalem offered food aid and the discussions ended without agreement.

The alleged and failed extortion attempt occurred during an exchange between North Korea's envoy to Sweden and his Israeli counterpart while the two were meeting in a cafe in Stockholm, reported the newspaper.

The record of this secret exchange was detailed in a memoir written by the translator at the meeting, a former top diplomat from North Korea named Thae Yong Ho, who desisted in South Korea he two years ago.

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The Israeli government refused the request for comment. Iran has denied having discussions with North Korea on nuclear technology, and its embbady in Seoul has also not responded to a request for comment.

The Journal stated that it could not reach the two ambbadadors who would have held the talks almost twenty years ago: the former Israeli emissary to Sweden, Gideon Ben Ami, and l 39; Ambbadador of North Korea, Son Mu Sin.

Last week, Gideon Ben Ami, of Israel, said in a television interview that he had held three meetings with North Korean officials in 1999, but did not say that he had a meeting. had disclosed no claim for payment from North Korea.

North Korean son Son Mu Sin is currently working at the Foreign Ministry in Pynogyang, according to an official of the North Korean delegation to UNESCO.

The Journal states that declbadified State Department documents testify to the fact that the United States and North Korea discussed Pyongyang's missile exports at the time Yong Ho and his boss were in contact with Israeli officials.

This report is part of the escalating dialogue between the United States and North Korea on the latter's nuclear weapons.
Over the weekend, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held tense discussions with Pynogyang in which North Korea accused Donald Trump's administration of making unilateral demands and violating the summit of the United States. June 12 between Trump and Kim Jong Un.

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