Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. Analysts (NOG) View $ 0.06 on EPS


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Stock Market Trends


July 14, 2018 – By Clifton Ray

Analysts expect Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN: NOG) to report $ EPS 0.06 on August 14. The profit of NOG would be $ 16.98M giving it 14.21 P / E if the EPS of $ 0.06 is correct. After having already recorded a profit of $ 0.17 per share, badysts Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. posted earnings growth per share of 64.71%. The stock decreased by 0.29% or $ 0.01 during the last trading session, reaching $ 3.41. About 3.13 million shares traded. Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN: NOG) has increased 56.00% since July 14, 2017 and is rising. It outperformed the S & P500 by 43.43%.

Northern Oil and Gas, Inc., an independent energy company, engages in the acquisition, exploration, operation, development and production of natural gas natural and crude oil in the United States. The company has a market capitalization of $ 964.91 million. The company has interests in Bakken and Three Forks in the Williston Basin of North Dakota and Montana. He currently has negative gains. As at December 31, 2016, it had direct interests in 2,914 gross production wells including 2,911 wells targeting the Bakken and Three Forks formations, and 3 wells targeting other formations; and have proven reserves of 54.1 million barrels of oil equivalent.

More news for Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN: NOG) was recently published by:, which published: "Northern Oil and Gas to Acquire Assets in the Williston Basin" June 29, 2018. The article titled: "5 Knockout Stocks to Play the World Cup Fever" and published June 28, 2018 is another important article.

 Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN: NOG) Rating grid

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By Clifton Ray

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