OK sickness time for the Michigan vote; board of directors splits on the payroll order


DELTA TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) – Michigan voters will decide whether workers should be guaranteed sick days paid as part of a ballot initiative that has taken a major step forward Friday, unless the Republican-led legislature takes over unlikely

The Solicitors State Council voted 3-1 to certify the MI Time to Care proposal after determining that the organizers had submitted hundreds of thousands of valid voter signatures . The board of directors has blocked the proposal to increase the minimum wage for the November poll, confirming that the courts will finally decide on the merits of a challenge presented by a group. opposition supported by the companies. one hour of paid leave for 30 hours worked. Employees of companies with 10 or more workers could use up to 72 hours of paid vacation per year, unless the employer chooses an upper limit. Those working for smaller employers could use up to 40 hours of paid time and 32 hours of unpaid leave.

Danielle Atkinson, co-chair of the MI Time to Care campaign, said that people should not be forced to go to work.

"We know that it is really important that people do not go to work to go to work. It's a public health problem, "she said. "We know it's good for business, it's good for families, it's good for communities."

Small Businesses for Better Michigan, a Coalition of Groups of business opposed to the measure, expressed disappointment. Most of the $ 2.5 million comes from the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a 501c4 welfare organization that is not required by federal regulations to disclose its donors.

Amanda Fisher, deputy director of NFIB in Michigan, said the paid holidays are "really detrimental to businesses and, for us in particular, to small businesses. Because of the rigor and regulatory aspects, people could honestly lose other benefits and possibly lose jobs because it's so hard to carry.

She said that 75% of employers now offered paid sick leave. Legislators will have 40 days to pbad or reject the initiative. If rejected, the proposal will be voted at the statewide level in the fall. Lawmakers could also propose an alternative measure to appear next to him on the ballot.

The board split 2-2 on party lines on certifying an initiative to gradually raise the Michigan minimum wage to $ 12 at the hour and also increase the minimum boards. Favorable Democrats said the MI One Fair Wage campaign has clearly submitted enough signatures, while opposition Republicans were in agreement with the arguments of Michigan Opportunity, a restaurant-backed group that claims that the Initiative is illegally seeking to amend the current law by reference and without reinstatement A lawsuit against the minimum wage proposal is pending before the state court of appeal.

Alicia Renee Farris, president of the One Fair Wage campaign, said the challenge "is nothing more than a desperate attempt by business interests to stop a popular proposal. "

But Republican cop Colleen Pero said the complaints filed by campaign opponents are meritorious

The courts" remain free to do whatever they do. ", She said.

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