On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTIV) EPS estimated at $ -0.01


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News From Action


July 7, 2018 – By Ash

<img src = "http://teletechwire.com/wp-content/uploads/logos/Logos/OTIV.png" alt = "On Track Innovations Ltd ( NASDAQ: OTIV) Logo "title =" On Track Innovations Ltd. (NASDAQ: OTIV) Logo "style =" float: left; Investor confidence fell to 0.63 in 2018 in the first quarter, down 0.25 from 0.88 in the fourth quarter of 2017. It became negative, with 6 investors having sold shares of On Track Innovations Ltd. Positions up 0. 827,821 shares or 58.48% less than 1.99 million shares in 2017.
Bankshares Of America De holds 0% or 5,000 shares.Hongtington Fincl Bank owns 300 shares Royal National Bank & Trust of Canada reported It has 1,000 shares or 0% of all its holdings, of which 10,000 were declared by Zacks Inv ., California Public Employees Retirement Sys holds 0% of its portfolio in On Track Innovations Ltd (NASDAQ: OTIV) for 37,200 Deutsche Commercial Bank Ag owns 22,179 shares, or 0% of its US portfolio.The Californian company Wells Fargo Mn has invested 0% in On Track Innovations Ltd. (NASDAQ: OTIV) Sarbit Advisory reported 520,327 shares. Prtnrs Mngmt Ltd Com accumulated 107,928 shares or 0.04% of the stock. Morgan Stanley holds 5,000 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Creative Planning has invested 0% of its portfolio in On Track Innovations Ltd. (NASDAQ: OTIV) Renaissance Technologies Llc invested 0% in On Track Innovations Ltd. (NASDAQ: OTIV) Gateway Advisory Limited Com has invested 0% of its portfolio in On Track Innovations Ltd. (NASDAQ: OTIV) Wolverine Asset Management Lc has invested 0% of its portfolio in On Track Innovations Ltd. (NASDAQ: OTIV)

Analysts are waiting for On Track Innovations Ltd. (NASDAQ: OTIV) is reporting $ -0.01 EPS on August 8th. Previously, badysts from On Track Innovations Ltd. posted earnings per share growth of 0.00%. He finally closed at $ 1.16. It is down 1.54% since July 7, 2017 and is up. It underperformed the S & P500 by 11.03%.

On Track Innovations Ltd. designs, develops and markets cashless payment solutions. The company has a market capitalization of $ 47.76 million. The company operates in three divisions: Retail and Mbad Transit, Petroleum and Parking. He currently has negative gains. The company's products include PayCapsule, a contactless payment device of the Internet of Things; PayCapsule-Flex, a paid solution for wearables and flexible products; TRIO mobile POS and PIN card readers, which allow merchants to accept EMV chip and magnetic stripe payments with PIN transaction security; and Pico BT, a Bluetooth enabled smart and smart reader for mPOS.

Other news on On Track Innovations Ltd. (NASDAQ: OTIV) was recently published by: Investingnews.com, which published: "On Track Expands its Cashless Payment Solutions to Japan," June 28, 2018 The article by Seekingalpha.com titled: "On Track Innovations Receives an Order for 3000 Cashless Payment Systems for the Japanese Market" and published June 28, 2018 is another important article. [19659009] Receive news and updates E-mail Comments – Enter your e-mail address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and badyst ratings from our FREE Everyday E-Newsletter.

By Ash

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