One killed, dozens injured in Gaza rocket barrage targeting southern Israel


One of the most violent bombers in the world has been injured in a series of mbadive missile and mortar attacks that have been fired from the Gaza Strip at southern Israeli communities.

The first fatality in Israel was confirmed after a sustained recovery of the dead in the air.

The dead man was identified by police as a Palestinian. A woman also in her 40's, reported to the man's wife, was also found seriously injured and rushed to hospital.

Tea Haaretz daily said that the couple were spotted by a photographer who had come back from the scene.

Police told the paper in response to the fact that the building had been checked, but that the unit was found in the heaviest damage and "everything was destroyed."

Menahem KAHANA (AFP)

Earlier, rescuers extracted a 60-year-old woman from the same building with critical accidents caused by rocket shrapnel. Six others were lightly injured when the building was struck.

Israel police said that more than 50 people have been injured in the rocket attacks since Monday afternoon.

The Israeli military said it had struck hundreds of militant sites in Gaza in response to over 370 rockets fired from the Hamas-run territory. Approximately 100 of those rockets were shot down by the Iron Dome missile defense system, the army said, but a number of towns and cities in the south.

Early Tuesday morning, Palestinian militant factions threatened to ramp up the rocket attacks, targeting the cities of Ashdod and Beersheba in the Israeli territory, if Israel did not cease its retaliation.


Gaza's health ministry said four Palestinians were killed and wounded in Israeli retaliatory strikes. Two members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine militant group and the third member of the Islamic Jihad's armed wing.

Another Palestinian civilian wounded in an Israeli attack was pronounced dead Tuesday morning by Gaza's health ministry.

The mbadive flare-up in violence began on Monday afternoon after an anti-tank guided missile fired from the Gaza Strip.

شاهد # #HD فيديو استهداف حافلة لنقل الجنود, شرق جباليا (الأحراش مفلاسيم) بصاروخ موجه – كورنيت
# كتائب_القسام
# بالمرصاد

– مقاومة فلسطين (@ qbadam_arabic12) November 12, 2018

One soldier who had been standing outside the bus when it exploded into flames was critically injured. The soldier was expected to be moved into intensive care after undergoing surgery.

Video of the attack published by Hamas Tuesday morning showed activists apparently tracking the bus for several minutes before firing the missile.

The attack on the bus between the IDF special forces and the local Hamas fighters during the Israeli Israeli mission on the Gaza Strip , were killed.

AP Photo / Tsafrir Abayov

Israel was forced to be an intelligence-gathering mission and "not an badbadination or abduction" attempt, but Hamas strongly denounced it and vowed revenge.

The dramatic escalation came from Gaza-Israel in the Gaza Strip, with Egyptian-led efforts to forge a long-term ceasefire and bring much-needed repression to the impoverished Palestinian enclave. headway.

Recent weeks have seen Israeli settlements to provide the Gaza Strip with millions of dollars in aid to the electricity crisis.

Netanyahu cut short a trip to Paris and rushed home as tensions rose, and on Monday convened a meeting of security chiefs.

Ariel Hermoni, Ministry of Defense

The Israeli security firm, which has the authority to decide on launching wars, was set to meet on Tuesday morning in light of the escalation.

A Middle East sent Nickolay Mladenov, who along with Israel, called the escalation "extremely dangerous" and said on Twitter that "restraint must be shown by all".

Israel and Palestinian activists in Gaza have fought three wars since 2008, and have recently been arrested.

See also:

LIVE BLOG: Mbadive rocket dam from Gaza continues into the morning

IDF destroys Hamas-run TV station headquarters in Gaza

Netanyahu says Israel owes 'enormous debt' to a soldier killed in Gaza ground mission

After deadly raid, Israeli intelligence as world 'laughing stock'

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