Onondaga County: Three people exposed to the rabid fox


By NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews

Health officials in Onondaga County reported that an Onondaga County fox had tested positive for rabies. Three residents were exposed to rabies following a meeting with the rabid fox; however, there is no human case of rabies in Onondaga County.

New York Center
Onondaga County, New York / David Benbennick

Dr. Onondaga County Health Commissioner Dr. Indu Gupta said, "This is the time of year when the public can meet with wildlife. It is important not to touch or feed the wild animals because they could be rabid. "

Health officials offer the following tips to prevent rabies at home or your pets:

  • Make sure rabies vaccines are up-to-date for all your pets (dogs, cats and ferrets). The New York State Public Health Act requires that all puppies and kittens undergo their first injection at the age of three months, the first booster injection less than a year after the Initial injection, then a booster injection every three years. Ferrets must be vaccinated every year.
  • Keep control of your pets. Keep cats and ferrets indoors and keep dogs under direct supervision.
  • Make sure to wear gloves before taking care of your dog after a fight with a wild animal. Do not forget to consult a veterinarian for extra care.
  • Call your city or municipality for help or advice on how to eliminate stray or wild animals from your neighborhood.
  • Never try to approach or pet a wild or unknown animal, including stray cats.
  • Do not bring home a wild animal such as a fox, raccoon, groundhog, skunk, etc., and do not treat them as pets.
  • Teach children to stay safe around animals

Until now, in 2019, five animals (two bats, a cat, a raccoon and a fox) have been tested positive for rabies virus in Onondaga County.

Rabies is a deadly disease that attacks the brain and spinal cord. Several months or months may be needed for the symptoms of rabies to appear. Although there is no cure for rabies, it is preventable in humans and in the pet.

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