Palestine says the deal of the century has been thwarted



The Palestinian Authority (PA) said on Saturday that the so-called "Century Agreement" – a plan to step back to reach a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians – was thwarted. "Thanks to the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and the commitment of the leadership to the national constants, the agreement of the century led by the United States has been thwarted," said the spokesman of the AP, Nabil Abu Rudeina. Press Agency.

"If the agreement had been successful, it would have become a regional agreement affecting all the peoples and countries of this region," he said. The spokesman, however, said that the Middle East region is currently at a crossroads.

"They (the countries of the region) must stand together for the national interest in order to prevent the transformation of the business of the century, which has slowed but is not not over, in a regional agreement whose consequences can not be predicted "he said.

According to Palestinians, the US administration seeks to impose a political solution that calls for the creation of a state in the Gaza Strip and limited autonomy in the West Bank, Israel retaining control of the city from Jerusalem.

The AP rejected American mediation since last December, when Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Jerusalem remains at the heart of the Middle East conflict, with the Palestinians hoping that East Jerusalem, occupied by Israel since 1967, could eventually become the capital of an independent Palestinian state.

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