‘Palestine Was the Biggest Victim of World War I’


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An aerial view of the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

The first sentence of this article in Al Madenah News by Dr. Mustafa Yousef Alddawi, marking the centennial of the end of World War I, is one of the most absurd things I’ve ever read in Arabic media. And that’s saying a lot.

“There is no doubt that Palestine was the greatest victim of the First World War,” it begins.

During World War I, Palestine had a population of 800,000. The number of people killed during the war was between 15 to 19 million.

The Ottoman Empire, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Austria each lost more people than the entire population of Palestine.

Obviously Alddawi is claiming that the division of the Arab world by the victors of the war, which included allowing Jews to return to a sliver of land where they are the indigenous people, is the most catastrophic thing to ever happen to anyone ever.

Many Palestinians are the masters of making everything about them. They are the biggest victims of the Holocaust, they are the biggest victims of both world wars, they are the biggest victims of “colonialism,” they are the world’s biggest victims, period.

The article ends with a threat against the world:

The Palestinian cause will be the cause of future wars, the effects of which may be no less than the world wars. … It has been a hundred years since the founding of the Palestinian cause, and it is still burning and burning, and it will remain so until the Palestinians regain their rights and return to their homes.

Yes, this Palestinian writer is saying that unless the world gives the Palestinians what they demand — the destruction of Israel — we can expect a World War III that could dwarf the others.

I’ve seen lots of mob-style threats from Palestinians, but this one takes the cake.

Elder of Ziyon has been blogging about Israel and the Arab world for a really long time now. He also controls the world, but deep down, you already knew that.

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