Palestinian-American Writer Deported from Israel- IMEMC News


Israeli authorities banned and deported, on Friday night, to a Palestinian-American writer and activist from the Ben Gurion airport, in Tel Aviv, as she was planning to attend a West Bank literary festival in the occupied West Bank.

Haaretz online newspaper reported that the Israeli Population, Immigration and Border Authority said that Susan Abu al-Hawa, an American writer and activist of Palestinian origin, from Israel.
The reason for banning Abu al-Hawa reportedly stems from an incident that occurred in 2015, when Abu al-Hawa was banned on the arrival at the Allenby Bridge crossing, between Jordan and the West Bank; According to Israeli sources, Abu al-Hawa acted "rough and insolent" at the time.

According to Haaretz, Abu al-Hawa was told that each future entry would be arranged in advance.

Ma'an further reports that Mahmoud Muna, a coordinator for the Kalimat Palestinian Literature Festival, which Abu al-Hawa was planning to attend, confirmed to Middle East Eye that it was taken aside and interrogated upon arrival at the Ben Gurion airport, only to It was made to be illegal because it was not applied for a visa, ahead of its trip.

Muna added that Israeli authorities planned to deport Abu al-Hawa on the same night of her arrival at the airport on Thursday, but that a lawyer appealed. However, an Israeli judge ordered on Friday that Abu al-Hawa be deported at 10:00 pm.

"For a conference on Palestinian Literature to take place with the participation of a foremost, internationally recognized Palestinian author is a travesty and a suppression of Palestinian culture."

"Abu al-Hawa has been a vocal supporter of the Palestinian cause and of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against the Israeli occupation," Middle East Eye reported.

Last month, Israel had also been born an American student of Palestinian origin, Lara al-Qbadem, from entering Israel to study for a Master's degree at the Hebrew University.

However, after being detained at the Ben Gurion airport for two weeks, al-Qbadem was granted entry.

Interview 10/31 / 18® Israeli â € ~Thought Policeâ € ™ Lose Effort to Ban Student Over BDS

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