Palestinian killed as Gaza protests against Israel enter 4th month


A Palestinian demonstrator at the border was killed Friday, according to medical officials in Gaza, with various reports on his cause of death.

Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said Mohammed Abu Halima, 22, had been injured in the chest by shrapnel, in a blast in the air. east of Gaza City.

He also stated that Israeli shelling had injured eight people at the same location east of Gaza City, although it is unclear whether the two incidents were related.

   (Photo: AFP)

Qudra did not have any details about the source of the shards, but Palestinian eyewitnesses told AFP that Abu Halima had been injured when a craft qu & # 39; 39, he held exploded.

IDF denied the bombings, saying the troops had used riot control measures, including shooting, to face 3,000 Palestinians at five points along the border, rolling tires and throwing stones.

IDF added that a number of terrorists had attempted to approach the security fence with the intention of launching an explosive device at soldiers near the Karni crossing, in the north of the Gaza Strip.

"The explosive device exploded in the Gaza Strip and injured several Palestinians," said the army in a statement. "No injuries to IDF soldiers have been reported."

   (Photo: AFP)

(1965: 00002) The Gaza Ministry of Health said that about 400 people were injured. from among them from real bullets.

"The terrorist organization of Hamas uses various measures to carry out terrorist attacks during the violent riots: Hamas terrorists take advantage of the crowd and under the cover of the demonstrations, endanger the inhabitants of the band, turning into a cover for terrorism, "said the IDF


The Palestinian Center for Policy Research and Investigations said Wednesday that 74 percent of Palestinians believe the protests have not reached their objectives or have achieved little.

His poll reveals that 61% of Gazans believe that Hamas is responsible for the "initiation and organization" of border demonstrations.

incendiary kites and balloons from the Gaza Strip continued to cause fires in Israel on Friday with 60 dunams (15 acres) burned at the Gvar & # 39; s Amps Reserve and 300 dunams (74 acres) in the Ruhama Kurkar Nature Reserve. from Sderot. Some 5 dunums (1.2 acres) burned in the HaBesor Creek area as a result of another fire.

Reuters and AFP contributed to this report.

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