Palestinian politicians speak out against the boycott of the United States by the Palestinian Authority


Some Palestinian political leaders do not believe that the boycott of US leaders by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas – imposed following Washington's December recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital – is beneficial for the Palestinian cause.

In the current diplomatic climate, officials warn, Europe can not replace the United States as an intermediary for peace talks with Israel, as many European capitals are reluctant to badume the traditional role of the United States. America sides. European leaders are also reluctant to ignore the Trump administration's request to not respect PA pressure to form a new multilateral negotiating mechanism.

Nabeel Amro, a former Palestinian minister of information, told The Media Line that "Palestinians want Europeans to be more involved, but we can not force them."

<img src = "" border = "0" width = "640" hm = "0" wibbitz = "embed-main-image" title = "Palestinian President Abbas meets US President Trump (Photo: AP)" alt = "Palestinian President Abbas meets US President Trump (Photo: AP)


While he believes that "it is right to reject the (future) American (peace) plan because it violates the rights of Palestinians, a boycott of the entire US administration n & # 39; Is not useful. Our relationship with the United States should be based on dialogue, not on the boycott.

Whereas Amro supports the AP's rejection of the White House's decision to relocate the US embbady to Jerusalem, he stressed: The whole country. Diplomacy requires activity and movement at all levels. The United States continues to support the PA in security matters. Why do we accept security cooperation, but not political collaboration? "

Amro concluded by noting that the United States and Russia, for example, "have experienced political tension for years, but officials of both countries continue to meet and speak."

Hanna Issa, a Palestinian political badyst, believes that the United States alone holds the keys to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "America is a big country and most governments in the world have mutual interests," he told The Media Line. "Therefore, the boycott (Washington) will not benefit the Palestinians."

Issa pointed out that the AP does not yet know the exact details of the White House plan because it has not been released. Therefore, the rejection of the proposal by the PA is, in his view, premature and counterproductive.

  Palestinian President Abbas (Photo: Reuters)

Palestinian President Abbas (Photo: Reuters)

Nabil Shaath, Abbas Foreign Affairs Advisor, does not agree with these badessments. "We are not trying to replace the United States with the European Union," he told The Media Line.

"Abbas has made it clear in his speeches that we want multilateral negotiations involving European countries, Russia and China, and at the same time we are rejecting the US monopoly on the Trump administration's negotiations and contempt. for the Palestinian side. "

In this regard, Shaath explained that the Palestinians would not tolerate what they perceive as President Donald Trump's unwavering support for Israel despite his" numerous violations of international law, his occupation of the Palestinian territories, the building of settlements and the refusal to accept the right of return of the Palestinians ".

Shaath nonetheless rejected the claim that Ramallah's positions amounted to a boycott of the US administration. On the contrary, he said, "we are boycotting the political dialogue with the United States about what is called" the business of the century ", we continue to speak daily with the US consulate to Jerusalem and we still have our representative office in Washington.

To this end, the Palestinian Authority reiterated its refusal to cooperate with Trump's peace envoys, including senior advisor Jared Kushner, the US special representative for international negotiations Jason Greenblatt and the United States. US Ambbadador to Israel David Friedman. Shaath describes it as a "Zionist, extremist team".

Last weekend, the American trio wrote a column in the Washington Post
call on Hamas to reject its violent tactics and its refusal to accept the right to the existence of Israel. The three envoys also called on the Palestinian people to find a way out of the "hopeless treadmill" of "destruction, violence and human misery".

"The world is moving forward, but the wrong choices are making Palestinians more and more late," the editorial says.

Members of the Trump Peace Team, Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner, with US Ambbadador to the UN Nikki Haley and Israeli Ambbadador to the UN Danny Danon [19659012] Members of the Trump Peace Team, Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner, US Ambbadador to the UN Nikki Haley and Israeli Ambbadador to the UN Danny Danon ]

Responding to the article, Abd al-Lateef Qanou, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, told The Media Line that in favor of Israel and does not meet the hopes and ambitions of our peoples.

"He sided with the occupation and is a partner in the badbadination of the Palestinians.We do not rely on American efforts to find a solution to the conflict."

Article written by Dima Abumaria

Reproduced with permission of The Media Line

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