Palestinians bring charges of arson in the West Bank


Palestinians accused settlers on Friday of setting off fires in a village in the northern West Bank, while a nearby Jewish settlement accused Palestinians of lighting a nearby fire.
Burin residents said fires broke out in three different parts of the village, according to Israeli human rights group Yesh Din, citing a villager claiming he saw a group of settlers seen fleeing one of the villages. fires.

Yesh Din stated that the fires, which were also spreading to the nearby village of Hawwara, were located on land that residents had to coordinate with the army to access. The residents of Burin told the human rights group that the IDF would not allow firefighters to reach the fire site.

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In the settlement of Yitzhar, southwest of Burin, residents accused Palestinians in Urif village of lighting a fire outside the settlement. A spokesman for Yitzhar said the fire had approached homes in the western part of the camp.

The spokesman also said that Israeli security forces entered the Urif where they dispersed a "violent riot by dozens of Arabs."

שריפה פרצה מצפון להתנחלות יצהר. מוקדם יותר צוותי כליטה על האש @OrHeller

– חדשות עשר (@ news10) July 6, 2018

The region around d & # 39; Yitzhar has seen a series of alleged attacks of hate crimes in recent months, the Israeli security establishment seeing the colony as the source of the so-called "price" attacks

"price" refers to vandalism and other hate crimes by Jewish ultra-nationalists ostensibly in retaliation for Palestinian violence or government policies perceived as hostile to the settler movement. Palestinian olive groves, mosques and churches have been targeted by far-right vandals in recent years, as have Israeli rights groups and even Israeli military bases

. opened an investigation. Slashed and Hebrew hates slogans have been found spray-painted on a number of buildings.

Graffitied sentences included "The enemies live here.Exhale or kill," and "the Jews will not remain silent," in addition to a biblical verse on revenge.

The incident occurred two days after a similar crime was reported in the nearby Palestinian village of Burqa, vines and fig trees

Jacob Magid contributed to this report.

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