Palestinians suffer from tear gas inhalation in March in Kafr Qaddoum – IMEMC News


A number of Palestinians and international peace activists were wounded by Israeli forces during the weekly anti-settlement march on Friday afternoon in the village of Kafr Qaddoum, in the Qalqilia district, occupied by northern Iraq. West Bank.

Murad Ishteiwi, coordinator of the local people's committee Kafr Qaddoum, said dozens of Israeli forces had invaded the village and attacked protesters with live ammunition, rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas bombs.

Although no protesters were shot, many protesters suffered from tear gas inhalation and immediately benefited from medical treatment.

Violent clashes erupted between Israeli forces and Palestinian youth because of the raid.

According to Ma'an, Ishteiwi added that Israeli forces had also burst into a village house, owned by Zahi Ali, and held him inside with his family, while the soldiers used the roof to shoot protesters and take pictures.

Hundreds of protesters took part in the march that began after Friday prayers, repeating slogans calling for unity and intensifying protests against Israel.

Residents of Kafr Qaddoum began organizing weekly protests in 2011 against the confiscation of Israeli land and the closure of the southern village road by Israeli forces. The road, which has been closed for 14 years, is the main axis leading to the nearby city of Nablus, the nearest economic center.

The Israeli army blocked the road following the extension of the illegal Israeli Kedumim settlement in 2003, forcing villagers to use a bypbad road to reach Nablus, which extended travel time to 40 minutes, according to the same source. The Israeli group of rights B & # 39; Tselem.


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