Parshat Pinchas with Rabbi Michael Wolk – Jewish Journal


Rabbi Michael Wolk grew up on Long Island and studied at Jewish Theological Seminary and at Columbia University. He attended the Rabbinical School at JTS and was the Rabbi of the Keneseth Israel Congregation in Louisville since 2012. As someone who spent his formative years in the great Jewish community of NY, he loved learn the deep roots and be part of a smaller Midwestern Community. Rabbi Wolk is a keen fan of European cantoral music and is proud to have learned Nusach HaTefillah in the clbades of JTS, HUC and YU; schools of three different denominations.

This week's Torah part – Parashat Pinchas (Numbers 25: 10-30: 1) – begins with Pinchas being rewarded for his problematic act of killing the Israelite and his Midianite paramour in the previous portion. A census is then conducted and God tells Moses how to divide the land between the tribes and the people of Israel. The five daughters of Tzelafchad ask Moses to grant them the land of their father, who died without sons, and God accepts their request and adds to the Torah laws on inheritance. Moses names Joshua as his successor, and the Parsha ends with a detailed list of daily offerings and offerings made at various feasts. Our discussion is about the transition from Moses' leadership to Joshua.

Previous Pinchas Interviews:

Rabbi Roberto Arbib

Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Rabbi Annie Tucker

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt

Rabbi Alexander Davis [19659014] Next

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