Peace can not be built with walls, says Pope Francis in Bari Pope Francis said Saturday that peace in the Middle East would never be reached by division, violence or the pursuit of private interests and called for negotiations on issues such as the status of Jerusalem and the conflict Israeli-Palestinian in progress


. By Elise Harris
Pope Francis declared Saturday that peace in the Middle East will never be achieved by division, violence or the pursuit of private interests, and called for negotiation on issues such as the status of Jerusalem and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict

As it has often done in the past, the pope has condemned the arms trade, using Hiroshima and Nagasaki as an example of potential destruction of weapons. major weapons, and emphasized the need to abandon a profit mentality that exploits both the land and the poor, preferring a vision that places the best interests of the person in the foreground.

In a speech on July 7 closing an ecumenical gathering in Bari "For leaders of Christian churches in the Middle East, Francis said that for peace to be a realistic possibility, it is essential that those in power definitely and resolutely choose true peace and not their own interests. "

That there is an end to some enjoying the sufferings of many! More occupying territory and thus ripping people! Do not let half-truths continue to frustrate people's aspirations! That there is an end to the use of the Middle East for gains that have nothing to do with the Middle East! ", He said.

There is no alternative to restoring peace to peace must be cultivated in the" dry soil of conflict "that has plagued the region since

"The truces held by the walls and the manifestations of power will not lead to peace, but only the concrete desire to listen and to engage." He urged Christians To engage in working and praying together in the hope that "the art of meeting outweighs the strategies of conflict."

Pope Francis held a private meeting with the leaders of the Christian Churches Middle East during his one-day trip to Bari on July 7 for an ecumenical meeting titled "Peace Be upon You! Christians United for the Middle East" and organized to discuss the promotion of peace in the region.

Located in the Puglia region of southern Italy, Bari is known as "Porta d 'Oriente", its link with the Catholic and Orthodox churches through the relics of St. Nicholas, who is very revered in both traditions.

The ecumenical meeting in Bari attracted the participation of some 19 leaders of the Eastern Catholic Churches and Orthodox Churches, the Assyrians. Church of the East and other ecclesial communities.

After venerating the relics of Saint Nicholas and leading the patriarchs and pilgrims in a prayer meeting, Pope Francis and the church leaders present held a closed meeting to badess the situation. Middle East, and discuss peace efforts.

Speaking to the crowd after the private discussion, Francis published a litany of the risks and consequences of the war, starting with the conflict of effects Pointing to Syria, he said the war is the " daughter of power and poverty "and that she can only be defeated by overcoming a" thirst for supremacy ". "

He pointed out the problem of fundamentalism and fanaticism as determining factors in many of the world's current conflicts, which" under the guise of religion, have desecrated the name of God – which is peace – and persecuted them. secular neighbors. "19659005] Violence of any kind" is still fueled by weapons, "he said, stressing that" you can not talk about peace while you run secretly to stock new arms. " a very serious responsibility that weighs on the conscience of nations, especially the most powerful ones. "

Emphasizing the devastation that followed the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the pope urged the world not to forget the destruction The potential From Unbridled Pursuit of Power and Profit

"Let's not turn the Middle East, where the Word of peace has come into existence, into gloomy expanses of silence. Let's face it with stubborn opposition, "he said, and condemned" the thirst for profit that surreptitiously exploits oil and gas fields without regard to our common home, unscrupulous about the fact that the energy market now dictates the law of coexistence The pope has also called for a "common citizenship" among all the peoples of the Middle East, where Christians and other minorities are often considered citizens of the second area, and are subject to persecution and discrimination

. Jerusalem, an interreligious crossroads sacred to Christians, Jews and Muslims, Francis said that he was "anxious" to think about ongoing tensions in the region, and said the status quo of the city "requires to be respected, as decided by international community and repeatedly solicited by the Christian communities of the Holy Land. "

" Only a negotiated solution between Israelis and Palestinians, firmly desired and promoted by the international community The community, may lead to a stable and lasting peace, and guarantee the coexistence of two states for two peoples, "he said.

Noting the large number of children who died in armed conflict, Pope Francis said he hoped for the Middle East "has the faces of children," and lamented the "appalling" number of children who have died or witnessed death in their families. "19659005" It's the death of hope, "he said, noting that" Too many children have spent most of their lives watching rubble instead of schools, hearing the deafening explosion of bombs rather than the crash of playgrounds. "

" Let humanity listen – that's my call – cry "

Francis concluded his speech expressing the hope that a desire for peace would be stronger than the "dark cloud" of conflict that overshadowed the region, and prayed that the Middle East would no longer be an "ark of war ", but an" ark of peace "welcoming people from all walks of life and beliefs.

" Well-beloved Middle East, do you see the darkness of war, power, violence, fanaticism, unjust gains, exploitation, poverty, inequality and disrespect for rights, "he said, praying for justice" to remain at home ". int laughing your borders ". – -CNA

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