PH: affirming the rights of the sea through friendly talks with China


  Rodrigo Duterte disputes the South China Sea

Malacañang Palace insists that a peaceful dialogue with China will solve problems in the Western Philippines Sea, after the results of a recent poll showing that most Filipinos would want to regain control of the disputed islands.

"We are only one with our people seeking to badert our sovereign rights and land claims in the WPS," said presidential spokesman Harry Roque in a statement released Sunday. showed that an overwhelming number of people would prefer that the government act on the Chinese militarization in the region and eventually take over the islands.

READ: SWS: 4 out of 5 Filipinos Want Government Action on the Militarization of China in the Western Sea of ​​the PH
READ: 9 out of 10 Pinoys: Resumption of the Islands Owned by China

However, Roque said the Duterte administration had chosen to postpone with the previous administration steps in the treatment of "After seeing how the conflicting approach of the administration The previous one has only stimulated greater militarization, we have moved to a process of conciliation and a friendly dialogue with China, "said Roque

. a "Bilateral Consultative Mechanism (BCM) to Solve Problems" as the Government strengthens its military capabilities and "ability to monitor and defend our maritime interests".

In 2013, under President Benigno Aquino III, the Philippines filed an arbitration case against the People's Republic of China before the Permanent Court of Arbitration (CPP) in The Hague, Netherlands.

The Aquino administration filed the case after China claimed that some islands in the controversial region belonged to them. effect of the line called Nine-Dash Line, a border that would have been based on historical claims.

On July 12, 2016, the court ruled in favor of the Philippi. nes, saying that the line of nine dashes is "invalid".

China never acknowledged the case, and did not participate in the hearings.

READ: Philippines wins arbitration case against China over the South China Sea

According to previous administration, Filipino fishermen reportedly harbaded by Chinese Coast Guard

During presidential term Rodrigo Duterte, the complaints have so far been minimal and the fishermen have themselves attested that they could now fish in the area. [19659003] However, they also said that the Chinese authorities are still in control of Scarborough Shoal.

China to Fishermen of PH: "Filipino, come on!"
"Intimidation", friendly encounters in Panatag
China still controls Scarborough fishermen – PH
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