PM promises to pass the nationality bill in the next hours or days


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised Monday to pbad the nationality bill next week, "if not in the next few hours, then in the next few days."

"We are going to pbad this bill, which is a very important piece of legislation that ensures the core of our existence – Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people", he declared at a party meeting of Likud


Netanyahu also discussed the current situation in the vicinity of Gaza. "I have met community leaders in the Gaza area and met wonderful children, we are in the process and this involves an exchange of blows, willpower and strength", he said. -he says.

"The other party must recognize that there is a steel wall of government that is determined, which supports the Zionist settlements, has a strong local leadership, and an army strong – IDF – of which we are very proud "We salute all the army," concluded the Prime Minister in his remarks


  Netanyahu to the Knesset on Monday (Photo: Amit Shabi)

Netanyahu in the Knesset on Monday (Photo: Amit Shabi)

On Sunday, after a round of intensive negotiations, Netanyahu and Education Minister Naftali Bennett reached a compromise deal regarding
contentious article 7 of the draft law on nationality which authorizes the establishment of "separate communities" that critics consider racist. Instead, the new version of the bill states that Israel "considers the development of the Jewish colony as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its settlement."

According to Tourism Minister Yariv Levin,
"It's the only phrasing that will remain in Section 7, which was the most controversial … I'm struck by the antagonism
that the bill raised on two different fronts, the judicial system and the opposition. "

With the Knesset's summer session approaching its break at the end of the week, coalition leaders are determined to pbad the bill on second and third readings

 The vote on the draft law on nationality in the Knesset (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

The vote on the draft law on nationality in the Knesset (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg) [19659013]

The current version of the bill has been approved by various legal bodies and parties Bayit Yehudi and Likud, some sections were approved Monday by the Joint Committee of the draft law on nationality before the vote to the Plenary Knesset.

On Tuesday, the committee is expected to finalize the voting process.

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