PM tax exemption approved on first reading


The Knesset approved a first reading on Monday night of a bill to amend the rules of the Income Tax Ordinance that offer tax exemption
for payments and services provided to the Prime Minister, and for work – related expenses incurred in his private residence, despite the opposition strongly criticizing the amendment.

According to the bill, sponsored by MK Miki Zohar (Likud), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be exempt from taxation on all payments and services and benefits provided by the State Treasury that relate to the government. fulfillment of his professional duties. The president of the state already receives such exemptions.

<img src = "" border = "0" width = "640" hm = "1" wibbitz = "embed-hand-image" title = "PM Netanyahu (Photo: Yariv Katz)" alt = "PM Netanyahu (1965: 00006) PM Netanyahu (Photo: Yariv Katz)

Where it is the bill would mean tax exemptions for the Prime Minister's armored vehicle, and the state's finances would be used to finance the expenses incurred at Netanyahu's private residence in the northern part of the country. Israel, if they relate to work

The bill also applies to former prime ministers or their relatives

If the bill allows all readings, about 8,000 NIS would be added to Netanyahu's net monthly income, with NIS 3,000 expected on his vehicle and NIS 5,000 on his residence expenses.

"The Income Tax Ordinance r the income provides a tax exemption for payments, services and benefits paid or provided by the Public Treasury to the President of the State in the performance of his duties as president ", indicates an explanatory note of the bill . ]

  MK Miki Zohar (Likud) sponsoring the bill (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

MK Miki Zohar (Likud) sponsoring the bill (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

"He is recommended that a similar exemption be also provided for payments to the Prime Minister insofar as they relate to the performance of his duties, "he adds.

Zohar asked the plenary session of the Knesset: "Is there an objective person who is not motivated by hatred towards the Prime Minister and his family who thinks that the prime minister's monthly salary is 13,000 NIS 19659003]

"There is not such a person, people forget that others will come after this prime minister, they can not be paid either (so little)", continue Zohar

"Is it acceptable that the President receives these benefits and the Prime Minister does not?" the MK asked.

"(This) bill makes that the benefits accorded to the President and the Prime Minister be equal, ensuring that he receives a fair wage, which suits a Prime Minister ", explained Zohar


" Try to set aside the populism and focus on the essence of this bill: a prime minister in Israel should win a s just wing, no matter who he is, "said the initiator of the bill.

MK Yoel Hbadon (Zionist Union) criticized the proposed law by saying, "There are more important bills for the people of Israel that are waiting to be implemented, while the bills concerning the Prime Minister are approved overnight. 19659035] MK Yoel Hbadon (Union Zionist) “/>

MK Yoel Hbadon (Union Zionist)

"Is this (granting the Prime Minister tax exemptions) more important than our children? economy? "Hbadon asked in anger.

"The most important is to give benefits to the Prime Minister It is good that my friend MK Miki Zohar has understood that Netanyahu will not be Prime Minister forever, but for decency, I would support this law after the end of his term, "advised the MK

MK Mickey Rosenthal (Union Zionist) said that in principle he is in favor of the law and does not think that a prime minister should pay taxes for expenses related to his work.

However, Rosenthal added, "There is complete confusion about the Prime Minister's private spending and public spending."

"Public funds are sacred, the public expenditure of the Prime Minister, which the public should pay, must be completely separated from his personal expenses," concluded the MK

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