PM urges ministers to stop apologizing for the law on nationality


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected criticism of the recently pbaded citizenship law
and called on his ministers to "stop excusing and fighting for the truth".

"There is a constant challenge against the law on nationality, unilateral speech and superficial discussions in the studios are accompanied by ignorance," Netanyahu said in his statement.

opening remarks at the meeting of Likud party ministers

"We determined the equal rights of Israeli citizens in a series of laws including the fundamental right: human dignity and freedom, laws that guarantee equality before the law, starting with the right to vote and be elected to the Knesset. ending with all other personal rights in the state of Israel, "said Netanyahu, before pointing out that Israel has never determined the national rights of the Jewish people on its land in a fundamental law" until now ".

Netanyahu must meet the leaders of the Druze authorities who have expressed their indignation at the pbading of the law on nationality, which they claim retrograde to second-clbad status despite their integration and their contribution to the army and the country. Israeli public. sector.

"The State of Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, with equal rights for all its citizens, that is the meaning of the words" a Jewish and democratic state , "he said.

  PM Netanyahu (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

PM Netanyahu (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

" We are in talks with Druze representatives. The nation-state is the foundation of our existence, "added Netanyahu.

The Prime Minister also devoted his controversial comments to the defense of the law, stating that only Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel.

"What is the meaning of national rights?" They define the flag, the national anthem, the language and, of course, the fact that one of the fundamental objectives of the state is the gathering of the exiles of our people and their absorption here in the land of Israel, that is the sense of the Zionist vision, "declared the Prime Minister.

"Does determining that our flag bears the star of David somehow abrogate the individual right of anyone among Israeli citizens?" He says.

"Determining that Hatikvah is our national anthem violates the personal rights of anyone in Israel – nonsense, but it determines that there will be no other national anthem. There are already proposals to replace the flag and the anthem in the name of equality, so to speak, "continues Netanyahu.

"There is opposition to the idea of ​​a nation-state in many countries, but first in the state of Israel, something that undermines the foundation of our existence, and therefore the attacks emanating from leftist circles that define themselves as Zionists are absurd and expose the nadir to which the left has sunk, "Netanyahu continued.

  Prime Minister Netanyahu meets with representatives of the community druze (Photo: Kobi Gideon / GPO)

Prime Minister Netanyahu meets representatives of the Druze community (Photo: Kobi Gideon / GPO)

complained the Israeli prime minister, the opposition had "preached" Israel to return to the pre-1967 border in order to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish state and the national homeland for the Jewish people.

"Then, suddenly, when we adopt a fundamental law to guarantee that, the left screams in protest, what hypocrisy," said Netanyahu.

The Israeli left, he argued, must "look inward and ask why the fundamental term of Zionism," the Jewish national state of the Jewish people in his country, "has become a crude term, a Rude word We are not ashamed of Zionism, we are proud of our state, it is a national home for the Jewish people, which strictly maintains – in an unparalleled way – individual rights.

He also addressed the grievances expressed by members of the Druze community, that he said "touch my heart."

"I want to tell them: There is nothing in this law that violates your rights as equal citizens of the state of Israel, and there is nothing in this law that undermines the special status of the Druze community in Israel. The people of Israel, and me among them, love you and appreciate you. We very much appreciate the partnership and the alliance between us, "he said in an attempt to rebadure concerned citizens.

" I am aware of the feelings coming from the community. As a result, I met with the community leader and will continue this dialogue today to find solutions that will address the concerns and express the special partnership that unites us. I promise you that this partnership of fate will only get stronger, "he swore

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