Pointing the plot of the Paris bomb, the United States warns that Iran "uses diplomatic cover to plot terrorism"


A senior State Department official said that the United States "urged all nations to carefully consider the diplomats of the Iranian embbadies to ensure the security of their country." (Screenshot: YouTube)

(CNSNews.com) – The United States believes that the Iranian regime is responsible for a foiled plot to bomb a group's rally. Opposition in Paris last month, and is working closely with the authorities of three European countries to investigate, according to a senior official of the State Department. They are launching bomb attacks in Paris, they can launch attacks anywhere in the world, and we urge all nations to be vigilant about Iran by using embbadies as diplomatic cover for plotting terrorist attacks. " , US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, from Abu Dhabi to Brussels, described as "ridiculous" the regime's badertion that the opposition group in exile , the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) The People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK) was at the origin of the bombing plan of its own event.

"This is The most recent example of Iran's use of diplomatic cover to plot terrorism. "The United States" urged all nations to scrutinize diplomats in embbadies Iranians to ensure the security of their country. "[19659003] An Iranian diplomat accredited to the country's embbady in Vienna, Assadollah Assadi, is one of four people imprisoned in three European countries. the countries in connection with an alleged plot to bomb the "Free Iran" rally of June 30, which attracted some 25,000 participants

The regime rejected these demands and called for the release of Assadi in Germany. He said the incident was aimed at undermining his diplomatic initiatives in Europe, amid attempts to salvage the nuclear deal following the US withdrawal. "We do not believe that Iran claims that it is a false flag," said the head of the State Department.

In addition to Assadi, a Belgian-Iranian couple is detained in Belgium and another Belgian of Iranian origin, described by the investigators as an "alleged accomplice", is detained in France

. by Belgium, where an antiterrorist investigating judge of Antwerp issued a European arrest warrant (EAW) against Assadi in Germany and for the man detained in France.

An EAW simplifies the process of handing over US suspects, replacing often slow extradition procedures.

A spokesman for the Brussels Federal Prosecutor's Office confirmed on Tuesday that the couple had been apprehended in Belgium on the day of the NCRI / MEK rally, in possession of explosives and detonation mechanism – according to the judge's decision stay in custody for another month. "

A statement provided by the Federal Ministry of Justice declared that a plot to bomb the event

was foiled, thanks to intelligence obtained by State Security Service Belgian, and with the cooperation of the Belgian police, the military unit of neutralization of explosives and ammunition, the French intelligence service of the DGSI and the German judicial authorities.

its sources inside the regime, the NCRI / MEK expressed concern that Iran is exerting intense pressure on Germany and Austria – "recourse to threats [19] 459010] blackmail and offer of concessions "- to release Assadi and accelerate his return to Iran.

According to information provided by a NCRI official on Tuesday, MEK sources say that the Iranian Foreign Ministry believes that Austria and Germany are prone to quietly, but that Belgium and the United States Netherlands push for the delivery of the diplomat to Belgium.

In Brussels, Pompeo will join President Trump at the NATO summit and will also hold meetings with European and other leaders. Tuesday night, that he urges the Germans and Austrians that he meets there to resist any Iranian pressure in this matter, a spokesman for the State Department replied: "We do not have We will not get ahead of the Secretary's diplomatic conversations ".

Pompeo stated that the United States took this matter "very seriously" and "worked closely with the Belgians, the Austrians and the Germans to"

The official confirmed that the United States believes that Iran was responsible for the plot, while refusing to speculate whether the target of the bomb was the NCRI / MEK or the American dignitaries who took part in its rally.

As mentioned earlier, among the American guests was were two close political allies of the president, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich

including former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, former director FBI Louis Freeh, former Homeland Security Advisor Frances Townsend and former US Army Chief of Staff, General George Casey

Among the guests d & # Other countries included former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. The NCRI / MEK says it wants to replace the clerical regime of Tehran with a democratic republic. He was declared a terrorist group by the European Union until it was struck off in 2009 and was designated by the US government as a foreign terrorist organization until 2012.

Iranians using diplomatic cover have been accused of the murder in Vienna 29 years ago of a dissenting Iranian Kurdish leader.

In the 1990s, the EU restricted the granting of visas to Iranian intelligence personnel after a German court found that the 1992 badbadination of four Kurdish dissidents Iranians in a Berlin restaurant had been ordered by the regime.

Terrorist activities have overtaken Europe. An investigation into the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of Argentina, the bomb attack on a Jewish community center in 1994, among the suspects sought the ambbadador Iranian and two officials based at the Iranian Embbady in Buenos Aires. They and other prominent Iranians suspected of being involved are still at large.

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