Polanski's wife rejects invitation to join Academy Awards


The wife of Roman Polanski, French actress Emmanuelle Seigner, said Sunday that she had rejected an invitation to join the body that awards the Oscars in protest of her decision to win. expel her husband from his historic conviction for rape in the United States. The Academy of Arts and Film Science announced last month that it had swelled its ranks to over 900 members as part of its campaign for a more inclusive Hollywood.

The body that awards the Oscars announces a series of invitations each year and has strengthened its ethnic and female representation as a result of criticism of its predominantly white male membership.

But in an open letter published by the Sunday Journal, Seigner said: "How can I pretend to ignore that the Academy A few weeks ago, my husband, Roman Polanski, has gave the kickoff to the zeitgeist, the same Academy that bestowed on him the Oscar for Best Director for "The Pianist" in 2003. Curious Amnesia

I probably think I'm a sufficiently actress upstart, without character to forget that she's been married for 29 years to one of the greatest directors, "she added.

The 84-year-old director of "Rosemary & # 39; s Baby" and "Chinatown" was charged with drugging a 13-year-old girl before raping her at the home of Jack Nicholson, Los Angeles , in 1977.

He admitted to having been raped by the courts after a number of more serious charges.

According to court documents, Polanski was promised by the judge overseeing the case that the seven weeks spent in detention would be the only time he would be on duty.

1978, convinced that the judge would give up his plea agreement and send him to prison – perhaps for decades – to avoid a public reaction, he left for France.

The director has since refused to come back without serving me extra in jail.

Actress and French singer Emmanuelle Seigner rejected an invitation to join the body that awards the Oscars in protest against her decision to expel her husband Roman Polanski

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