Police find evidence of corruption, fraud by deputy mayor of Jerusalem – Israel News


  Police find evidence of corruption, fraud by the deputy mayor of Jerusalem

Meir Turgeman.
(Photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)


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Police investigators found that Jerusalem's deputy mayor Meir Turgeman had committed bribes, fraud and breach of trust, the Israeli police said Sunday after investigating Turgeman and 39, other senior officials. The corruption was conducted by the Lahav National Crime Unit 433, in cooperation with the Income Tax Authority in Tel Aviv and the Prosecutor's Office of the 39th. State for taxation and the economy. A large number of people, including Turgeman, were interviewed, some in custody, on several incidents

The Deputy Mayor is suspected of having committed bribes, fraud and abuse of trust, as well as a robbery offense. The findings of the investigation "raise suspicion that Turgeman received benefits amounting to money in exchange for advancing the benefit of others, in violation of the law", according to a statement issued by the police.

The investigation file will be Turgeman is suspected of having accepted bribes to promote the interests of construction contractors in several places in Jerusalem, including the historic Post Office building on Jaffa Street and the Artemisia events at Talpiot.

Turgeman allegedly used his power to influence the city's site preservation committee to allow for the erection of walls in the historic building front. In return, one of the suspects reportedly signed a loan guarantee for Turgeman

Turgeman announced in February that he intended to stand in the October municipal elections [19659017] Udi Shaham contributed to this report. ] Share on facebook

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