Poll: Netanyahu's Likud to win 30 seats if elections are held today – Breaking News


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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud would hold 30 seats if the elections were held today, a new Channel 2 poll announced on Monday.

Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid was second with 19 mandates, l & ## s Zionist Union third with 15, while the list won 12 seats.

The Likud voted 32 and 35 seats in previous polls, but was on the rise during 2018, poll found.

Bayit Yehudi of Naftali Bennett has gathered 8 seats, while Kulanu of Moshe Kahlon has 7 seats Yisrael Beitenu, Defense Minister, Avigdor Liberman, has also won 7 seats

Meretz and Shas will each get five seats, according to the survey

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