Pompeo: Arab countries and Israel see Iran as a common threat


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday that the link established between Israel and the Arab countries on the Iranian nuclear issue is encouraging.

In an interview with Fox News & # 39; Sean Hannity, Pompeo, also noted that US sanctions against Iran were working well although some had predicted that they would not do it.

Asked about the relations established between the United States, Israel, Jordanians, Egyptians, Saudis, the Emirates and others, the Secretary of State replied: "This is really something very – very encouraging. The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians was the framework that set the Middle East for so many years. Today, the main destabilizing force in the Middle East is the Islamic Republic of Iran. And so you see the nations lining up, understanding that it's a threat. "

"Whether you are an Arab country like the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia or a Jewish state like Israel, they see this common threat, and we have seen it. We organized a rally in Warsaw a few months ago and we met Arab countries. Prime Minister Netanyahu was present. It's really historic. And they came to understand that they had a common threat and that they were finding more and more ways to work together to ensure the security of each of their nations, "he added.

Asked about the sanctions imposed by the United States, Pompeo said: "We have set the standard for what the Islamic Republic of Iran must do, and we have imposed sanctions on them. I remember, Sean, that some people were saying – not you, but others saying that American sanctions would not work if Europeans did not come … and that's wrong. They worked. The president did a good job there.

"We hope that the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran will know what their people know, in my opinion. I think their people think their leadership is on the wrong side. "

Pompeo also pointed to the fundamental flaw of the 2015 agreement with Iran, which he called "the Kerry-Obama agreement".

"They allowed Iran to have enormous wealth, a lot of money, to put money on pallets and send it to Iran, and let them continue to enrich uranium so that they have the capacity to strengthen their nuclear weapons system and to foment terror. These were the failures of the previous agreement identified by the president, and I think we have made real progress. "

Pompeo was also questioned about talks between the United States and North Korea on denuclearization.

"The President's visit to North Korea, where he first visited North Korea, gave us another opportunity to sit down with them and have a new conversation. And I hope that North Koreans will come to the table with ideas that they would not have had the first time, "he said.

"We hope we can be a little more creative too. The mission of the President has not changed: to completely denuclearize and finally North Korea in a verifiable way. This is the mission that was given for these negotiations. I hope the opportunity – I was present when President Kim and President Trump were together. I hope that their meeting will put us on track to reach this agreement, "added the Secretary of State.

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