Pregnant Israeli women manage to pass the line


Israeli buyers will have to give way to pregnant women thanks to a new law pbaded in the Knesset. (Courtesy of Rami Levy)

JERUSALEM (JTA) – An amendment to Israel's law on the equality of women will allow pregnant women to become supermarkets, shops, pharmacies, post offices and other public services. "

The bill, which was proposed by the deputy of common list Yousef Jabareen, was adopted unanimously on Monday.

" The idea of ​​the bill came when I was abroad with my pregnant wife, "said Jabareen by The Jerusalem Post as during a Knesset debate." And when we saw the long lines in public places, we thought about giving up these places. But we were pleasantly surprised when service providers told us that we did not have to wait in line. When we returned to Israel, we noticed the differences. It is time to give pregnant women the respect they deserve.

The bill came a little over a year after the Knesset pbaded a similar law granting citizens over the age of 80 the same privilege. they deserve and to make their lives easier, "says the amendment," she will have the right to receive public service without waiting in line. "

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