Prison children: Palestinian families torn apart by Israel | News, Middle East


As the largest Palestinian activist, Ahed Tamimi, was released on Sunday, hundreds of Palestinian minors still languish in Israeli jails, facing mistreatment and a lack of justice. Currently, 290 Palestinian minors are being held in Israeli jails, including 49 under 16, according to Addameer 's Prison Support and Human Rights Association.

This year, the number of juveniles imprisoned ranged between 291 and 356 per month, although it had reached more than 400 in previous years.

In January, Mohammad al-Hajj Mohammad and Ahmed Zaqzouq, both 14, were marching towards the Israeli checkpoint in Zaatara, south of the city of Nablus, when the soldiers shot them from a distance of 60 meters.

In prison, Palestinian children are subjected to various forms of psychological and physical abuse.

Athbeh was arrested for throwing stones at Israeli forces during a protest and was released five months later.

Another common practice in Israeli jails is the attempt to recruit minors as informants in exchange for clemency.

There are currently 5,900 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails, including 442 in administrative detention, where Israel holds detainees indefinitely without due process under the allegation that the judicial proceedings could reveal secret intelligence.

minors are detained in administrative detention

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