Protest against the arrest of a conservative rabbi who organized an "illegal" wedding – Israel News


Hundreds of people gathered in front of the Haifa rabbinical court Sunday to hold a protest against the detention of conservative rabbi Dov Haiyun last week.

"This court does not represent me until there is room here for other watercourses [of Judaism]," said Haiyun, the rabbi of the Moriah congregation of the city, before the protest begins.

"This court harms the state of Israel, not me personally, and that's what the fight is about," he added.

Haiyun was arrested Thursday by the police because he was suspected of officiating officiously at a wedding ceremony and not reporting it to the chief rabbinate.

It is apparently the first time the law is applied, allowing only orthodox rabbis to celebrate Jewish wedding ceremonies in Israel. The law provides for a two-year prison sentence for "anyone who does not see the official registration [at the Chief Rabbinate] of his own marriage or a divorce, or anyone who does not register a marriage or divorce on which he presided ".

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Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit asked the police not to interrogate Haiyun until the case was clarified.

The woman and her partner who were married by Haiyun live in the Haifa area and originally wanted to have a wedding chaired by a representative of the rabbinate. However, they were deemed ineligible by the rabbinate according to halakha (traditional Jewish law), because the woman is considered a mamzera (literally, a "bastard" "- a person born in circumstances involving a forbidden and therefore illegal relationship according to the halakha. "The couple then turned to Rabbi Haiyun, who, after studying the case, determined that they were eligible and he married them two years ago.

According to Haiyun, about six months ago, the rabbinical court decided that the woman could actually get married. However, the court does not recognize Haiyun as a rabbi because he was ordained by the conservative movement.

Dr. Yizhar Hess, executive director of the conservative movement in Israel, said, "The public in Israel wants to open and accept Judaism without restraint, a guy who respects every person according to his way and his customs. The time has come to free the chains of monopoly. The time has come for Israel to stop being the only place in the Western world where Jews do not enjoy religious freedom. Israel loses the most important of its strategic badets – the Jewish people of the diaspora. "

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