Protests break out in the illegal Bedouin village Israel plans to demolish


Palestinian demonstrations erupted Wednesday in a Bedouin village in the West Bank facing Israeli demolition, which, according to Israeli courts, was illegally built and which, according to the Israeli army, poses a threat to security.

Israel moved three bulldozers into the village, Khan al-Ahmar, earlier in the day, although the demolition has not started yet, after the army left a notice of confiscation of lands on Tuesday.

About 180 Bedouins, raising sheep and goats, live in tin and wooden huts in Khan al-Ahmar. It is located between Maale Adumim near Jerusalem, and a smaller establishment to the northeast, Kfar Adumim.

   Demolition of Khan al-Ahmar (Photo: AFP)

Demolition of Khan al-Ahmar (Photo: AFP)

Khan al-Ahmar was built without Israeli permits, which Palestinians say are impossible to obtain. Israel has long sought to clear the Bedouins from the area between the two settlements, and the Supreme Court approved the demolition in May.

The removal of the Bedouins, according to human rights groups, would create a larger pocket of settlements near Jerusalem and make it more difficult for Palestinians to contiguity in the West Bank territory, a territory that is no longer in the West Bank. they say they are seeking with the Gaza Strip for a future state.

Israel says it poses a security threat because of its proximity to a highway.

   (Photo: AFP)

(Photo: AFP)

In Khan al-Ahmar, dozens of Palestinians fought with the Israeli police. A Palestinian ambulance service said that 35 protesters had been injured and that four of them had been taken to the hospital. Police said two people were arrested.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said 11 people were arrested in the "mess", including several for throwing stones at officers in Khan al-Ahmar. He said three officers were wounded, including one evacuated to a hospital for treatment.

"I was born here and I will not move anywhere else," said Feisal Abu Dahok, 45. "If they destroy the village, we will rebuild it here or nearby."

Israel said it was planning to relocate the residents in an area about 12 kilometers (seven miles) near the Palestinian village of Abu Dis.

   (Photo: AFP)

[Photo: AFP]

The new site is adjacent to a landfill and rights advocates claim that a forced transfer of residents would violate international law applicable to what they describe as "occupied" territory.

Palestinians argue that the West Bank, which Israel captured in Jordan during the Six Day War in 1967, is a occupied territory, while Israel argues that it is safe to use. 39 is disputed lands.

At a press conference Tuesday in Geneva, a spokeswoman for the UN Human Rights Bureau expressed concern at reports of a imminent demolition.

   (Photo: AP)

(Photo: AP)

"For more than a decade, residents of the Khan al-Ahmar community … have resisted efforts to incite them to expand settlements," said the spokeswoman. , Liz Throssell.

She stated that "international humanitarian law prohibits the destruction or confiscation of private property by the occupying power," a reference to Israel.

The inhabitants of Khan al-Ahmar belong to the Bedouin Jahalin tribe who was expelled from southern Israel by the military in the 1950s.

The main human rights body of the UN called Tuesday Israel to abandon plans for demolition.

Associated Press contributed to this report.

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