Punjab MTR Calls for Israeli Cooperation on Recycling Wastewater in Cities | punjab | top


Captain Amarinder Singh, chief minister of Punjab, on Wednesday urged Israel to cooperate to allow the recycling of wastewater in five major cities of the state, pollution and production of water for irrigation.

The CM held in-depth talks in Jerusalem with Israeli Minister of Energy and Water Resources, Yuval Steinitz, on the issue of water management to boost water conservation in Punjab.

The CM was impressed by the fact that 95% of the wastewater is recycled for agriculture in Israel and said that the Punjab would like to do the same in urban areas.

Amarinder briefed the Israeli minister on the state's problems as a result of groundwater depletion caused by melting glaciers.

While Punjab was a surplus of electricity, water resources remained a challenge for the state, which was trying to break out of the rice-wheat cycle to save this precious resource, he said.

Steinitz said Israel would be happy to provide all possible support, keeping in mind the close historical, cultural and commercial ties it has with India.

The minister stressed the need for proper water management through an badessment of the totality of needs and availability.

He pointed out that Israel was experiencing its fifth year of drought but was managing its water needs through measures such as double desalination. The CM invited the Minister to visit Punjab to strengthen cooperation between the two parties.

Amarinder then visited sites in Jerusalem's Old City, including the Indian Hospice, an 800-year-old memorial revered by Indian Muslims as a sanctuary in memory of Hazrat Farid Ud-Din Ganj Shakar or Baba Farid. is popularly known.

The hospice was offered by the inhabitants of the locality to the Sufi saint, from Faridkot, in the Punjab, who would have remained in Jerusalem for a time.

Addressing a seminar on "Investment Opportunities in the Punjab", organized in Tel Aviv by the Indian Embbady, ​​the CM said: "In addition to", he said. offering cheap energy and one-stop clearances, the state has excellent communication and transportation links to improve the ease of doing business. "

First published: Oct 25, 2018 9:57 AM IST

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