Putin slams "pathetic" American forces ready to sacrifice Russia's ties


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday criticized American opposition to Donald Trump as "a pathetic and worthless people" ready to sacrifice Russian-American relations to his own ambitions

Putin made these comments in a speech to Russian diplomats in Moscow after holding a summit in Helsinki with Trump that triggered a political storm in the United States.

In a harsh speech, Putin said that US-Russian relations were more "pessimistic" than during the Cold War. "We see that there are forces in the United States that are easily ready to sacrifice Russian-American relations for their own ambitions," Putin said.

"We see that there are forces in the United States – the United States that has placed its narrow party interests higher than the nationals," he added, describing them as "people pathetic, worthless ", a well-known quote from Soviet satirists Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov.

are "on the contrary rather powerful and strong if they are able to sell – forgive me my bad manners – to their citizens, to their millions of citizens, to various illogical things difficult to digest."

Going to Monday's meeting in Helsinki, Trump said that he wanted to improve relations with Russia, which he considered the worst they had ever been.


But he stunned both the allies and the enemies who criticized him The head of the US government said that Moscow does not intervene in the US presidential election of 2016.

Many accuse Trump of being a "traitor", claiming that his performance in Helsinki has only increased rumors that the Kremlin might have compromising information about him. [19659010] – "New Positive Agenda" – [19659011] In Moscow on Thursday, Putin said that Russia was still open to establishing good relations with the United States. positive age "It would be naïve to think that the problems that have accumulated over the years would be solved worldwide," he said, adding that it would take time to see a real improvement in ties.

Under pressure at home, the US leader's position on Russian interference has changed several times in recent days.

Striking fact, Trump said that he was misquoted when he considered Putin's denial of interference. said he agrees that Moscow has sought to influence the 2016 vote.

He offered a twisted explanation for his badertion in Helsinki that he could not see "no reason" why Russia would intervene.

"In a key sentence in my remarks, I said that the word" would "instead of" would not, "said Trump.

" The sentence should have been, "I do not see any reason why it would not be Russia.He added that he accepted the view of US intelligence that Moscow had in fact ingested it, but continued to raise doubts, baderting that there could be other people, there are many people. "

Democratic lawmakers even pushed Congress to summon the interpreter Trump summit to find out what happened during his private meeting with Putin

Even some Trump members reported that they were tired of his diplomacy

– Montenegro defends itself –

On Wednesday, Trump showed a new disregard for questioning the fundamental principle of "one for all and all for one "of NATO by attacking the" tiny "Montenegro. "Montenegro is a small country with very strong people," Trump said in an interview with Fox News. "They are very aggressive, they can become aggressive, and congratulations, you are in the third world war."

On Thursday, the Government of Montenegro defended its contribution to peace by declaring that the country "contributes to peace and stability". not only on the European continent but around the world, with US soldiers in Afghanistan. "

He also added that he served as a" stabilizing "force in the region, which was ravaged by wars during the dislocation of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

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