Qualcomm unveils the first mmWave 5G antenna for smartphones


While 5G maintains its dominant position in telecom news titles, Qualcomm has taken an important step toward the realization of this disruptive technology with the announcement of the first QTM052 5G NR mmWave and QPM56xx sub-6GHz RF modules. Fully integrated for mobile devices. These antennas will be used in conjunction with the Snapdragon X50 5G module to achieve stellar target speeds of 5G networks.

"The initial investment of Qualcomm Technologies in 5G allowed us to provide the industry with a mobile mobile work solution that was previously thought inaccessible, as well as a fully integrated RF solution of less than now these types of modem-antenna solutions, covering both the mmWave and sub-6 frequency bands, make 5G mobile networks and devices, especially smartphones, ready for large-scale commercialization ", says the president of Qualcomm Incorporated, although mmWave signals can offer the highest critical speeds for this advanced network, they can only be transmitted a short distance and are easily obstructed by everyday objects, including the hand of the user on a mobile device Qualcomm offers the ideal solution with its mmWave QTM052 modules which include four mmWave antennas spread over different parts

At the Mobile World Congress earlier this year, Qualcomm announced its partnership with a number of equipment manufacturers, including Nokia, HTC, Asus, LG and others. giants who will use Qualcomm's 5G technology. There is still a long way to go, but the launch of the 5G-compatible devices in the first quarter of 2019 seems definitely more realistic now.

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