Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's daughter registers a new political party – Israel News


  Adina Bar-Shalom

Adina Bar-Shalom.


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Adina Bar-Shalom, a pioneer of higher education for the haredi community, formally registered a new political party with the Registrar of the Parties under the name Ahi Yisraeli, meaning My Israeli Brother.

The new party seems targeted at a wide range of voters and to focus on social issues, including reducing wealth inequalities, promoting societal coexistence and respect, promoting social and economic opportunities, and promoting social and economic opportunities. equality for women, including in the haredi sector.

73-year-old Bar-Shalom, daughter of the late Ovadi Yosef, the revered haredi leader, talked for a while about starting his own party and threatened to do so before the previous election. for leading a women's council in the Shas party.

There have been several attempts by other haredi women to enter politics at the local and national level lately, but they have finally failed to enforce them.

Bar-Shalom's new party, Ahi Yisraeli – The Connection is the Story to give him his full name, has not officially announced its launch but has submitted registration forms to the Registrar of the Party at the Ministry of Justice. 19659016] Bar Shalom is registered as the party chairman while Michael Biton, 48, Yerucham's local council chairman is the party chairman.

Ahi Yisraeli seems ready to appeal to a wide range of voters, having stated in his registration forms that his goals are to find "the common good" and will be based on "moderation, mutual respect and consensus. ] (function (w, d, s, i) {w.ldAdInit = w.ldAdInit || []; w.ldAdInit.push ({location: 10834723912266086, size: [0, 0] id: "ld-9628- 9059 if (! D.getElementById (i)) {var j = d.createElement (s), p = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; j.async = true; j.src = "http: //cdn2.lockerdomecdn.com/_js/ajs.js "; j.id = i; p.parentNode.insertBefore (j, p);}}) (window, document," script "," ld-ajs "[19659021] The document adds that the party will seek to attract to its voters list "people of action from different sides of Israeli society", for a "common political journey."

Among the political objectives of Ahi Yisraeli are "equal opportunities, reducing [wealth] gaps in a dignified existence for every male and female citizen," while education will be a key element

Action Plans Affirmative for the periphery of the country in the Negev and Galilee will also be advanced. 19659016] The party says it "will work to advance co-operative life in Israel as a Jewish, Zionist and democratic state [and] to allow different communities to preserve their identities while recognizing the identity of the people." Another, the mutual respect and respect of the Ahi Yisraeli says that with the work to "fortify" the security of Israel, the party will work in a proactive and cool way to advance a peace agreement and "arrangements" to "end the conflict with our neighbors, through Bar Shalom's father, Rabbi Yosef, ruled that under Jewish law, it would be acceptable to abandon parts of the Earth from the land. Israel in exchange for a peace deal with the Palestinians would stop the bloodbath and save lives.

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