Rabbinical Courts: The Conservative Rabbi married a "mamzer & # 39;


  Rabbinical Court in Haifa

Rabbinical Court in Haifa

Rabbincal Court Spokesperson

Rabbinic courts reacted to the storm on the inquiry of the conservative rabbi in Haifa, claiming that the police had received investigation of the court hearing revealed that he had married "according to the law of Moses and Israel" a man clbadified at the time as a "mamzer", born of a relationship adulterous or incestuous as defined by halakha, or Jewish law.

"It is a man who married those who were forbidden to marry and who were at the time Mamzerim, which is criminal and forbidden by law – something that all Jews who fear the heaven condemn.

It should be noted that such a marriage, contrary to the law and halakha, is likely to have children excluded from much of the Jewish community and from create a halachic obstacle for a large part of the Jewish people.A marriage ceremony for forbidden people is not only prohibited by the ordinance on marriage and divorce, but also by the criminal law.

Dov Hayoun was questioned about a violation of Article 7 of the Ordinance on Marriage and Divorce, prohibits private marriage and divorce, and provides for a two-year prison sentence for marriage or divorce without registration. , and on the suspicion of an offense under the law p enale.

The Israeli police also said: any offense committed in violation of the law, especially in light of the binding decision of a competent judicial institution in Israel In this case also, the police opened an investigation as a result of a Haifa rabbinical court decision to investigate the rabbi after he violated the Penal Code and the Ordinance on Marriage and Divorce in Israel. "

Police added that" pursuant to this court decision, earlier this week, the police called him for questioning, but he chose not to appear at the appointed time. In light of this, the police were forced to detain him this morning for interrogation, after which he was released. "

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