"Relaxation Plan for Dangerous Firearms Licenses Regulations"


Attorney David Ben-Yishai criticized the movement promoted by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan to facilitate the licensing of weapons to the ranks of combat units who received a sufficient training during military service.

Haaretz this week, Minister Erdan will allow any Israeli who has undergone a level 07 rifle training in the IDF to apply for a firearms license. All infantry soldiers are certified at level 07, in addition to all combat squadron commanders and the majority of IDF officers. The vast majority of IDF soldiers are not combat soldiers and are certified at level 02.

"The problem leaves me awake," Ben-Yishai told Arutz Sheva. He wondered what was the purpose of Erdan's movement. "In the end, the civilian market is flooded with firearms, security companies, security personnel and more, and the proof is that in every terrorist attack, an armed man arrived immediately.

On the claim that the expansion of circles of those who possess weapons aims to thwart terrorist attacks faster and more effectively, Ben Yishai says, "It's populist. Has anyone checked how easing restrictions will help solve terrorist incidents? If that's the only reason I think it's populist, on the other hand, if [this goes through] any violence can increase simultaneously, at once Imagine that all other citizens have a weapon fire. [What would happen] If there is a dispute over a parking spot and that one of them loses it, instead that the case ends with a stab or a stab. blow, today, he wi I will end with a gunshot if they have weapons without regulation. "

As to the badurance of the minister that the amendment only concerns veterans of combat units, Ben Yishai casts doubt on the subject and declares that the subject gray area, as defined, and the supervision will not be as it should be. "If we consider terrorism, then the terrorist attacks are resolved because the market is flooded, and even before we speak of places where there is no application and in my opinion it will affect these places. "

People do not ignore this proposal: people are totally unaware of the dangers of this thing, it is not a toy "It's a weapon, how do you maintain your core skills?" I doubt we understand how many weapons will enter the market, and that the proliferation of friendly forces in a certain region is not going to come into play. is not healthy, allowing too many civilians to carry guns are unhealthy. This will create an excess of weapons and this will result in bad effects among the population, including criminal phenomena, domestic violence and weapons leaks to problem areas.

Attorney Ben Yishai once again raised the argument that in Israel there was an armed man who provoked the neutralization of the terrorist, which led him to the conclusion that 39 there was no need for additional armed men. However, the point was also raised about the soldier who responded to a terrorist attack in a supermarket in Shaar Binyamin two years ago and was killed because he did not have his gun with him.

According to Ben Yishai, "The soldiers did indeed need to go home with weapons, which bothered me when I saw that the army was reducing the restrictions on the wearing of guns. Weapons in the house, I can not agree with the statement that the increase in the number of weapons will lead to the resolution of terrorist attacks, as this could lead to other disasters because of the same number of weapons in a small area. "

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