Report: Light earthquake felt in the region of the Sea of ​​Galilee


Staff Writer

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A slight earthquake was felt in the region of the Sea of ​​Galilee, reported Maariv, sister publication of the Jerusalem Post, Friday around noon.

Dozens of shocks have been felt around northern Israel in recent weeks.

Experts in the field believe that the occurrence of a strong earthquake and that its impact on the various regions of the country will be huge. The Office of the State Comptroller said that according to the information received by the government, the situation to which he must be prepared could cause 7,000 dead, 8,600 serious injuries, 37,000 minor injuries, 9,500 prisoners of rubble and 170,000 remaining. homeless

The office conducted an audit between July 2017 and February 2018 of the preparation of the ministries and authorities concerned in the face of earthquakes, focusing on a major state. Completion tests were conducted in May.

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