Reported the planned demolition of the center of the daily newspapers of Khan Al-Ahmar


Journal of Journals: Postponement of the planned demolition of the center of the daily newspapers of Khan Al-Ahmar

RAMALLAH, July 13, 2018 (WAFA) – Postponement of the planned demolition of the Palestinian Bedouin community of Khan al-Ahmar Al- Quds and al-Ayyam said that Israel's highest court had ordered a break in the planned demolition of Khan al-Ahmau until August 15, the date set for the launch of Khan's demolition. Ahmau.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida added that the lawyers representing the anti-wall commission and regulations have obtained the court order to put an end to the demolition of the community.

Newspapers also highlighted the fact that the Fatah Revolutionary Council summoned to the community, scheduled for demolition

The Fatah Revolutionary Council was reported in the daily newspapers slamming the planned demolition of Khan al-Ahmar as part of Persistent policies of the Israeli occupation authorities

It was also reported that the Palestinian people were confronted with the Israeli occupation and colonialism of settlers all over the world and baderted that "the acts of Israeli occupation continue with the encouragement of ] The US President Donald [ Trump administration, which denies international legitimacy. "

According to al-Ayyam, the solidarity tent installed in Khan al-Ahmar has been flooded with international activists and Friday noon prayer will be held on the site.

In addition, al-Ayyam and al-Hayat al-Jadida reported that President Mahmoud Abbas was due to visit Russia on Friday to meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and attend the World Cup final on Sunday.

the dailies reported that the Israeli occupation authorities decided to release the bodies of three Palestinians killed by Israeli forces.

Regarding the besieged Gaza Strip, the dailies said that an Israeli drone had fired a missile on a group of Palestinians. Gaza strip; the group was able to survive the strike.

Al-Quds added that an Israeli drone also targeted a group of Palestinians in the east of the Gaza Strip without causing injury.

According to al-Ayyam, a Palestinian farmer was shot and wounded by Israeli gunfire in the town of Beit Hanoun, in the northern besieged enclave.

In addition, the dailies reported that an Israeli court had decided to release an accused Israeli settler. the murder of the Palestinian Dawabsheh family in 2015 after burning their house in the village of Duma.

Nbader Dawabsheh reportedly told al-Quds that the family would appeal to international tribunals for justice.

Yet, al-Quds reported a Palestinian water expert noting that Israel is exploiting water as a means of seizing vast tracts of Palestinian-owned land and expanding control of most of Area C, which accounts for 60% of the West Bank.

Quds said that the Irish Senate's law criminalizing the importation and sale of goods and services from Israeli settlements in the occupied territories was widely praised.

Al-Quds and al-Ayyam added that Minister Avigdor Lieberman called for the closure of the Israeli Embbady in Dublin in response to the law.

According to al-Ayyam, thousands of UNRWA employees staged a sit-in in Gaza to protest the planned cuts.

He added that Israeli forces had destroyed water pipes in the village of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley and detained seven Palestinian raids in the West Bank

Azzam al-Ahmad, member of the Committee executive of the PLO. -Hayat al-Jadida pledging to rebuild Syrian Yarmouk refugee camp.


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